You are the Seeds of the New Earth

Photo by Han-Hsing Tu on Unsplash | South District, Taichung, Taiwan

Cheryl: Akashic Guides, as we begin a new calendar year on earth, I find myself at times unsteady in both heart and mind. The broader energies influencing humanity continue to amplify in powerful and disquieting ways. Heartache and madness on the world stage repeatedly goes up a notch. All that supports human life and dignity is under attack, it appears.

Though I have many practices to call upon for support, sometimes I still feel mystified as how to remain grounded and stay the course in such heightened turmoil. I’m not alone in this experience.

So, I sense we could use a refresher at this juncture ~ from your perception, what will best support us as we step into this New Year?

Guides: Dear Ones, staying in command of your own spirit will serve you – as well as the whole of creation – best.

Regarding the tenor of your spirit and conduct of your vessel, be cognizant of the command of your spirit and emotions, and the resulting actions you choose to take.

You face many challenges regarding your understanding of truth.

We encourage you to focus on Truth, rather than ‘the truth’.

Truth is something revealed and carried deep in your Highest Heart. It is what you are.

Conversely, ‘the truth’ understood by the mind and perceived through the senses can be easily manipulated, diluted, and corrupted.

This is indeed a time of choosing; this choosing being a place of power for each of you.

In responding to your question, we would ask you a few questions and urge you to sit with them in these times:

✶ Who and what is in charge of your spirit?

✶ What will you give your mind, heart, and body over to?

✶ What path will you follow in these uncertain times?

✶ What is it that brings life?

✶ What brings peace, joy, and goodness for all?

As you contemplate these things, Dear Ones, we encourage you to let it be Love, for this is what you are!

Follow Love and do not continue to be deceived by false divisions created through the sowing of seeds of hatred over differences in ideological position or opinion.

Focus upon the New Earth and positive future you desire for humanity and exclude no one from that desired goodness. To exclude anyone divides you from within, for it is counter to the nature of what you are, which is Love. Be not divided within your Heart.

What you see in your world begins within you.

What is pictured ‘out there’ is a reflection of what is within each of you. As you master this division within yourself, your world will reflect this.

Do not be confused by the deceptions … the cacophony of false messages and altered images by which you are buffeted in these times!

Stand in your highest and best values discerning with the Heart, and clarity about what is True, and true on the mundane level, will become clear. 

We have said before that revelations of what is not in alignment are quite messy – and, we would add, disruptive – for what is revealed shakes the very foundations of what you understand as your reality. Fear not.

Remain in love, gratitude, and joy.

You are the seeds of the New Earth that your hearts so desire.

Know that you are loved and honored. And, that we are ever present and available to you. Be willing to trust that it is so, that you may feel our presence beside you.


Related blog posts you might wish to explore:

Creation Springs From You ~ March 2021

Joy and Love ~ The Great Disruptors ~ August 2020

Connect with Cheryl

  • The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.

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