Joy and Love ~ The Great Disruptors
Cheryl: Several folks who’ve come for Akashic Records readings in recent weeks have expressed a similar concern: How can I possibly feel ease, pleasure, or joy when so much turmoil and suffering exist in our world at this time? The responses they received from their guides in the Records varied according to each person’s personal situation, and common threads emerged as well.
I thought this a good question to bring to the Akashic Guides of the Akashic Records on behalf of the larger community. And so I asked: How can we feel uplifted when hardship and distress are such prevalent experiences in our world right now?
Guides: Precious Ones, we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge how stressful it is to you to see the level of unkindness and struggle present on the physical plane. We wish to remind you or help you to be aware that the lack of kindness is not anything new – this has been with you for millennia.
A greater proportion of you are coming into alignment with your Authentic Selves …
The intensity and magnitude of the personal and planetary experience is due to the number of souls inhabiting the earth at this time and the level of conscious awareness increasing due to the revelation of what is actually happening. Collectively there are also more of you who have grown intolerant of the energetic signatures of this dissonance, this level of being out of balance with the True Self which causes you to feel disconnected from Source.
So really there are three factors at play contributing to the intensity of your human experience at this time: there are more of you, there is greater awareness, and a greater proportion of you are in fact coming into alignment with your Authentic Selves – with who you truly are, which is Love.
Only fear argues with what you know to be True.
Much has been hidden from your eyes which has always been right in front of you. Know that you are becoming more sensitive energetically and so the truth must arise and be set before you. All that is not in alignment with – in resonance with – Truth, will, as you say, ‘stick out like a sore thumb’. And this disturbs you greatly.
How could it not, with the limited view you hold? In spite of any limitations of view, you all possess an innate clarity that souls, and therefore the bodies they inhabit, are meant to be free. Only fear argues with what you know to be True.
It is yours to step into your joy, your delight in life …
It would be cruel of us (which we are not capable of, for we are Love Unfettered) to suggest that you find joy, delight, or pleasure in the suffering, or that you not-care that this is playing out in your world. This is not what we were suggesting here.
What we are affirming is that Joy and Love are your True Nature. We are affirming that this is your True Inheritance, your Birthright. It is yours to step into your joy, your delight in life, even in the face of great turmoil and unkindness. Indeed, especially in the face of this utter disconnect from Spirit. This is what was being communicated in the Hebrew Scriptures when it was written ‘I put before you today life and death; choose life that you and your children may live abundantly’.
Joy and Love are the great disruptors of fear and despair, for they are the greater Truth.
Let not shame and guilt (which are, truthfully, human-made concepts created out of states of disconnection from Source) disempower you. Whether your focus is inner or outer as you bring into manifestation a more loving creation, dare to choose joy … shamelessly. Joy and Love are the great disruptors of fear and despair, for they are the greater Truth.
If I can be of support to you on your journey, please be welcome to contact me. I look forward to connecting with you.
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