Find Your Footing Anew
Cheryl: As I enter the Akashic Records for this reading, I find it an odd experience. I experience waves of energy, and notice a ringing in my ears. I feel uncertain what to ask, and unsure which direction is most beneficial.
I'm aware of feeling two seemingly contradictory things at once. One is a steady, peaceful sense of grounding. The other is not quite agitation, but a disturbance in my energy. As if the typical fluctuation between one experience and another has collapsed upon itself, I seem to be experiencing both these things at once.
Before I can formulate a question, the Akashic Guides begin to speak:
Akashic Guides: And so it is. This is the way it is for you during this period of time … for all of you.
Time is collapsing upon itself. It is speeding up, it is slowing down, it is looping back upon itself. Some would describe this as a contest of timelines … a confusion of what is actually being experienced.
Cheryl: So, I am wishing to clarify a few things – what do you mean by “time is collapsing upon itself”?
Guides: Time is another human construct, so how not? As the constructed reality goes, as you let go of the reality you have constructed so very carefully, everything gets wobbly at the joints. It is all about perception. To be experienced, things need to be stretched out, if you will, because it is all happening at the same ‘time’.
And There Is More For You To Discover
Most of you are quite wedded, quite committed to the sense of time as linear, as having a beginning, a middle, and an end. Quantum, as a concept, has moved from scientific laboratories into the world as an alternative to understanding your universe. This is more than theory. And there is more for you to discover.
Yet even understood from this different frame of reference, the felt experience of it is … interesting … to you. Try not to be unsettled by it, rather, stay in natural curiosity as these ripples occur.
Much is bubbling to the surface now. Things which have been hidden from your purview will continue to be revealed. Some may be quite shocking to you; others will settle in a way that you realize you have suspected the truth for a very long time but were unable to articulate or perhaps admit what you knew.
Where Your Focus Lies Is Most Crucial
As these revelations come to light, where your focus lies is most crucial. Many assumptions and certainties of the mind will fall away. It is a mark of the times that you each will be recalibrating and reassessing to find your footing anew, as more of the picture becomes clearer to you.
Again, we say – do not be dismayed – by anything. Rest in your understanding of who you truly are, which is the Light, and the certainty that Love will ultimately be victorious. That which appears dark and dismal can only exist in the absence of light. When the light comes – and you are indeed the light, Dear Ones – what is revealed can be transmuted and transformed.
Be Bold To Be Who You Truly Are
Do not be afraid of what is unfolding. Greet it with curiosity, willingness, we would even say eagerness. Be bold to be who you truly are – for it is your light, your truth, your authenticity, that the world needs to bring about the new flowering that is coming.
You are only at the beginning of understanding what this means and embracing the true power within you. (Here, we are specifically speaking both of your growing understanding of what and who you authentically are – and – the power and influence your willingness to show up authentically has upon what is unfolding on your planet.)
Be patient with yourself and others as you discover the way forward together. It is not what you have thought. Be willing to have been wrong in your estimation and open your heart.
I am honored to sit with you in the loving presence of your Akashic Guides, in your Akashic Records. Please contact me to schedule a reading if you feel so moved.
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