Calibrating to the Excitement of Spirit

Cheryl: As I have entered the Records in recent months – on my own behalf as well as for others – several themes have presented themselves repeatedly.  All of them point to humanity’s shift toward alignment with love, rather than fear.  

Much that has been ignored, concealed, and/or denied is coming to light to be acknowledged, examined, responded-to.  The rate and intensity of the revelations is breathtaking – and at times, excruciating.  

Unfailingly (and paradoxically), the energy that greets me within the Records borders on elation.  While this seems a curious juxtaposition to our ‘lived reality’ in these times on earth, it feels entirely authentic as well.  

I offer these words from the Akashic Guides within the Akashic Records for this community of folks who read this blog and/or my monthly newsletter in hopes that the words bring comfort and support to you at this time.

Guides: Dear Ones, 

We invite you to join us in our excitement about this time you are in.  

It is much like the experience of the roller coaster ride you are so fond of describing; whether your experience is one of thrill or terror depends upon expectation and your mind’s interpretation of the sensations.  If you believe that nothing good will come of what is happening and expect to die as a result of what is transpiring, terror will often follow. 

But if you eagerly lean into the rushing winds of inevitable change and are willing to break open the old container of you (and your world), you will experience the thrill of these times and be enlivened by them.

Change is, after all, a natural and necessary occurrence on your planet. 

Change is, after all, a natural and necessary occurrence on your planet.  The sensation that change has ‘sped up’ in your experience is accurate.  The earth is literally shifting beneath your feet …. and your concept of reality with it.

Some of you feel you can hardly catch your breath before the next adjustment is needed.  Be gentle and compassionate with yourselves and with one another.  Ground your energy, stay true to your Essence, and allow the flow of outer events.

Your yearning and asking has been enormous and the Universal Energies are responding.

The collapse of calcified belief systems and power structures that have thwarted your individual and collective desires for freedom is resulting in much calamity.  Be not dismayed by this.  Be excited.  Your yearning and asking has been enormous and the Universal Energies are responding.  Do you not feel this to be true?   

So often you joke and say, “Be careful what you ask for!”.  Please know that what is unfolding has not just been an asking from your human longing, but from deep within your spirit … from within your knowing of the One and the True.  

Be without fear and be increasingly energized by what you know to be True ~

Again we encourage you with love to be gentle, gentle, gentle.  Be without fear and be increasingly energized by what you know to be True ~ One breath at a time.


If you would like support in this time of expansion and transition, please contact me for an Akashic Records reading.  I would be delighted to sit with you.

Also ~ if you’d like to receive my once-monthly blog post, I’m glad to add you to my mailing list. I invite you to sign up here.   (Please note:  Your data stays here! I do not share or sell my mailing list.)


Joy and Love ~ The Great Disruptors


Genuine Interest in Understanding