Genuine Interest in Understanding
Photo Credit: Gursimrat Ganda on Unsplash | Chandigarh, India
Cheryl: June’s blog is an excerpt from a recent personal Akashic Record reading with my Akashic Guides. My focus in this reading is responding to racial inequality in our country.
As a preamble to my questions, my Akashic Guides referenced a section of the January 2020 blog in which they referred to the heightened intensity of human life on earth at this time: “… the past several months have been about pulling the dregs from the bottom up into the light for healing, much as in your myth of Hercules when he lifts the many-headed Hydra out of the muck and the mire and into the light which destroys it.”
This month’s blog is the beginning of an ongoing conversation. It contains elements that I hope will be useful to you as you dive deeply into your own exploration of this topic.
A note for readers: [Italicized text within brackets] is my attempt to clarify the ‘felt sense’ of the communication, where the words were not completely clear.
Cheryl: How do I choose now what is rightfully mine to do in response to the continued violence against Black Americans in our culture?
Guides: Stay centered and grounded. You know that this will serve you best as you move forward. Do not approach this with any fear in your heart, and should fear arise, embrace it with compassion. You are all – all of the players here – acting and moving in innocence. How could it be otherwise? Know the beauty of each soul in its exquisite specificity. The energies that you hold are wide reaching. Do not underestimate your effect.
Stay in your heart. Do not stray from this anchor.
Stay in your heart. Do not stray from this anchor. When you drift into defensiveness or into fear and anger, remember to see as Jesus saw.
[They offer an image of numerous ladders upon which many people climb and descend, much as Jacob envisioned people/angels ascending and descending ladders. They then continue.]
You are each in a different place and have a different purpose. Do not attempt to make them all the same. Do not expect them to be the same. Be in your heart and be curious [curious = genuine interest in understanding] – only then can the diversity that serves you most exist in joy and peace.
When you are confident in yourself, and when you are curious, there is no space for judgment; there is no room for condemnation or fear. There is only room for observing, appreciating, delighting in, and rejoicing in.
What are we to do about the systems that are in place – systems that are much like fish swimming in water without awareness that it (the water) exists?
It must be confronted by its true reflection [I see a mirror being held up]. There are many ways to illuminate it, but it does require focused attention. There are those who will focus on the problem, shining a light there; this is their part to play. And there are those who are to hold the vision of what could be experienced, what is coming into being.
Stand as witness of the truth.
Find your alignment and reach for it. Do not be silent. Be visible. Stand as witness of the Truth.
In regards to systems on the earth plane: as you say, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.” But stay focused on what your heart wants to create. Continue to see the beauty of each soul.
See the turmoil, hold it, and hold the higher vision and vibration. Balance these three things, as you feel moved into any concrete action to influence the system to move in the direction of a more inclusive society.
Your landing spot will depend on the collective holding of a higher vision and vibration. This is why you must find the like-minded ones, the like-hearted ones.
Stay in your heart. Stay in the flow.
We recognize that you are all tired. Stay in your heart. Stay in the flow. In this way you will tire less. Let the emotions wash over you. You have held them at bay for millennia. Allow the emotions but be not controlled by them.
You think this is about justice. And on one level, the earthly level [where duality exists], it is. But on a higher level – which gives rise to the new earth you are longing for – it is about accuracy of vibration.
Cheryl: What does that mean – “accuracy of vibration”?
Guides: This is what truth is – recognizing the accuracy of vibration. You know the truth of what each soul is without being fooled by the cross-currents. You feel, you perceive the purity of vibration. You call it by many names – Soul, Spirit, Essence, Light, Love, Perfection, God.
And when beliefs, or actions, or thoughts or feelings run cross-current it creates great suffering and confusion. But in the purity of vibration … in recognizing it in others and being in your own accurate [authentic] vibration … ecstatic union.
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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.