Discernment in Extraordinary Times
Cheryl: The following is excerpted from a recent Akashic Records reading with my own Akashic Guides, which speaks to the larger state of affairs and offers guidance. I share this in hopes that it will be helpful to you as you move through the collective challenges in the moments, and months, ahead.
Guides: Dear Ones.
These are, in no uncertain terms, extraordinary times. You know this.
You know what it takes to move through these times for you are no stranger to the untruths that have been presented as truth.
This is why we have been encouraging you for quite a while now to develop your own abilities to discern, to know the truth, to – as you would say in your vernacular – develop a “very good crap detector“.
The challenge for you all is to stay out of fear when there is so much that is unknown.
The challenge for you all is to stay out of fear when there is so much that is unknown. There is much false information which confuses you into distrusting yourself and one another. This leads you into a fearful dependence upon a rapidly failing system, in hopes that it will provide solutions. But the solutions now needed – your salvation, if you will – reside within you.
Understand that each soul born upon the earth is sacred; precious beyond measure in the eyes of the Divine. This does not in any way mean that all are in alignment with their highest and best. Many have become quite confused and their human natures distorted by their disconnection from True Source. Their actions show this.
This is why it is important to pay attention to the fruit that any tree bears. And equally important to tend your own orchard. For this is where your true power lies.
But do not be dismayed by the outer occurrences.
These are very choppy times upon the earth plane – we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge that experience – your experience – of the difficulty of being spirit in a body during this time. But do not be dismayed by the outer occurrences. Rather stay focused upon the Higher Planes you know do exist and in fact are the greater Reality of Love.
This love is not a soft love; a pink fluff of ungrounded sweetness. But rather the love of the mother giving birth who endures the pangs of travail in the act of bringing forth new life.
You are collectively at a choice point in regards to your own sovereignty.
You are collectively at a choice point in regards to your own sovereignty. It is a giving birth to your Selves, a coming into your own true radiance and vibration. This process of discerning truth that you are experiencing now has to do with a shift into coming to understand truth through your feeling-sense and knowing-sense, rather than through the intellect of the mind.
In the past, with your process of discernment, you have relied heavily upon your thinking apparatus and have set-aside – and even at times denigrated – your natural intuitive knowing of what is right and what is wrong (on the earth plane), of what is in balance and what is not. You are so deeply loved and precious in our sight.
You are so deeply loved and precious in our sight.
We encourage you to reclaim your connection to your True Self, to see the Light in others, and to embrace the Earth that supports you by its natural cycles. Trust in the Wisdom of your body to carry you to the truth and your connection to Spirit.
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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.