Cheryl: Akashic Guides, we are in the thick of it. What can you tell us about how to understand and navigate these times?
Guides: Beloved One, first you must accept that you are not in the thick of it, but in the beginning of it. There is much to be experienced and processed ahead. The earth is literally shifting beneath your feet, but be of good cheer. All is well. Humanity as a whole is experiencing a time of great initiation.
Cheryl: Initiation into what?
Guides: Into a new state and essence.
Cheryl: Meaning?
Guides: Many are questioning what this means. How did it come about? Whether by natural means or by manufactured means, the challenges are set before you. (note: here they are referring to the emergence of COVID-19 and measures being taken to contain the spread of the virus.)
From what ground will you choose your thoughts and actions?
The Situation presents each of you individually and collectively with the opportunity to choose. The fears of the body need to move through you and find their place, yet find their meaning from the higher ground - that wisdom that resides deep within you and in fact between you. From what ground will you choose your thoughts and actions?
You are all points of light interconnected, intimately interwoven; you cannot function separate from one another. Many within humanity have lived within the illusion that they can do as they will, to take what they wish from others and from the Earth without consequence.
There is a great living out of karma - not in the way that you so often define it, for this is not about punishment. It is simply the natural consequence of living out of balance. Though it may effect you deeply, this is not personal. This is not a punishment. On the contrary it is a loving opportunity for rebalancing. You each have the opportunity to choose how you will frame this, the orientation you chose with determine the depth of suffering, and the life you will live moving forward.
… such a powerful opportunity comes through the gate of great calamity.
Will you claim your own sovereignty and govern your own mind, heart, spirit, time, and resources? It is about love. It is about balance. And such a powerful opportunity comes through the gate of great calamity.
You ask how to understand this Time and how to navigate it. It is a time for balance. There is nothing personal as you usually think about these moments of challenge. There will be loss, death, grief, confusion - such are the experiences of life. And there will be a great coming together, joy, aliveness, creativity, and peace … if you will let it. All of this is part of human experience.
There have been many great challenges of this nature throughout human history; this is no different. However the circumstances of this are quite different. You now have the opportunity to be aware of what is happening globally. This can be helpful and it can also be overwhelming. This is why balance is so important.
Be with your feelings, honor them, allow them to move through you. When fear arises, honor its existence as a part of being in a body, and let it move through. Do not hold onto it; turn your attention to what you can do in this moment. If you spend your energy regretting the past or fearing the future, you deplete your resources for managing what is on your plate today. Trust your inner guidance.
There is not one of you who is left without guidance - ever - believe this.
There is much information in your news stream - some of which is true, some of which is false. You live in the time of great proliferation of what you term as fake news; even from your most trusted sources. This has always been true - after all, everyone has their story and they will promote it. What is most important is that you are clear in your own discernment of information. It is a time of turning within to solve your problems (and know what is true).
The structures-that-have-been can play their part, yet it is clear that the structures so many of you have depended upon are no longer viable or are significantly compromised and need massive revamping to actually be of service. Discerning which gets thrown on the scrapheap and which is given a major overhaul is a matter of concern.
Discernment must happen individually first and then collectively. Here, we are not suggesting that decisions that impact Community should be decided by any single person or single group mindset; to the contrary, this is the time you must discern together what is best for the diverse community you are. That discernment must be made from a higher consciousness than created your current systems.
There is so much more to come. The basic skills of being centered, remaining calm, asking for help, working together, listening deeply, and following the simple directions you receive are Crucial.
Again, we say - All is well - even though you may feel everything is falling around your ears - All is well.
To see this you must lift your eyes and see that a larger story is playing out and that you are far more connected than you have allowed yourself to believe. Even if you do not know all the pieces of the story, allow yourself to feel the truth of this connection, and trust that you have the resources you need (to navigate this time).
Humanity is so very loved, and each individual intimately known, lovingly held.
Be at peace.
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