The Power of Choosing
Cheryl: When I entered the Akashic Records for inspiration about this month’s blog post, I was immediately given the title: The Power of Choosing - followed by the post below. I hope what the Akashic Guides have offered is helpful to your journey.
A note: What is in [brackets] is my attempt to clarify the ‘felt sense’ of the communication, where the words were not completely clear.
Guides: It is the nexus of your personal power – choosing. There is so much that appears in your life that you have not consciously chosen, but rather have unconsciously chosen by way of what you repeatedly affirm as true for you. If you repeatedly say “I cannot”, indeed you cannot.
This is not to dismiss the difficult challenges you may face, but rather to show you the road out (of the maze), if you will. The human heart is most powerful and the human mind next to it. Conjoined they are unstoppable. If heart and mind are married together in their authentic vibration, YOU are unstoppable. When you see this accomplished [in your fellow human beings] you marvel at it, but it is the most natural of things.
If you recognize your patterns of thinking and feeling that bring you out of your authenticity, you can easily correct them and step into the flow you desire. We say easily, but this does not mean there is no effort. There is effort (for it does require a redirection of choice). You experience this effort of choosing as ‘hard’ because you have ‘perfected’ this other un-natural pattern. What is natural is easy. When you remind yourself of what is natural to you, there is ease, it clicks into place. This is why, as you say, ‘letting go’ is so important [the felt sense I experience as these words come through is one of relaxing and allowing].
Your human conditioning is neither human nor humane [here, they offer an impression that our human conditioning is mechanical, misaligned, and counter to what some might call the natural - or original - human blueprint]. When you choose to serve The Higher within you, you will not look back even if the terrain becomes challenging. Grace will carry you. But the shift requires that you choose.
This is what free will is about, and freedom can only be had by choice.
Are you contemplating a choice point? Are you at a crossroads? I would be delighted to sit with you, and invite the support of your own inner wisdom. Please contact me for an Akashic Records reading.
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