Creation Springs from You

Northern Lights | Photo by Christopher Mathews Birthday candles

Photo by Christopher Mathews  | Northern lights and Geldingadalur volcano, Iceland

Cheryl: As we enter more deeply the year 2021, what is it that we should keep in mind as we move forward?

Guides: Be shock-proof.  Keep your focus upon your inner guidance to stay securely on your feet and grounded.  This we have suggested several times, but it is easy for you to get wildly distracted by the play unfolding upon the stage.  Remember who you truly are.  Do not be deceived or led astray by the cacophony around you.   

Trust that you know who you are beyond what you think or feel.

Go within to find your true nature as Beings of Love.  Drop into the knowing of this, beyond what you may be feeling in the moment.  For as important as your emotions are in guiding you, they are but passing human experience, not evidence of the eternal nature of your soul.  Trust that you know who you are beyond what you think or feel.   

We would say now, it is also your true nature to be powerful. 

As we have said before, it is your true nature to be love, joy, and peace.  We would say now, it is also your true nature to be powerful.  Not as this world conceives power, for that power is defined in relation to another by comparison and often as power-over. 

Do you understand that your inherent power is separate from anything or anyone else you may encounter?  This power that is innate within you is your ability to exist autonomously and (paradoxically, for you) intimately connected to all things, and to contribute by creation of the world. 

… we would say it is timely for you to unwrap the gift of your power to create

Though time as you define it not a reality for us, we would say it is timely for you to unwrap the gift of your power to create.  The world that you see before you is created out of your current understanding of who you are. 

You shy away from understanding yourself as creator beings because it feels unthinkable to you to have created some of what you see before you.  There are many collective agreements that do not make sense to your personality selves. And yet there they are, parading before you. 

These creations that are so displeasing to you have come into being from a place of unconsciousness …

These creations that are so displeasing to you have come into being from a place of unconsciousness; from a lack of understanding that you indeed create and how it is that you create.  While some creations come into being by a misuse of will; most arise by default due to confusion and failure to embrace your true nature.

You are now yearning for a new creation.  And so we are now here, as you would say, in this time and this place.  An exciting, challenging one, is it not?

We would urge you to have compassion for yourselves.  Do not demand of yourself that you make sense of this challenging concept from your limited perspective.  It is not necessary to intellectually comb out the fine hairs of ‘humans as creator beings’ in order to create a new world in alignment with your highest visions.   

Creating anew requires a different level of knowing and understanding 

Creating anew requires a different level of knowing and understanding, one that accepts that fidelity in focus and vibration – on an individual and a collective level – will bring into form what you prefer to experience.  Focus there.

We have stressed the importance of Love to you many times.  This is not a ‘feeling good emotion’ we are speaking of, though this may be an aspect of the experience of it.  Love is a state of vibration and resonance with the substantive reality of the Universe.  Knowing yourself as Love and inviting its expansion will garner very different results.

Love is the “glue” that holds everything together and is the Source from which everything arises.  If you are Love, Precious Ones, then how can you doubt that creation springs from you?


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I’d be delighted to meet with you and access the guidance available in your Akashic Records. If you’re inspired to deeply experience your inner wisdom and compassion in this way, please contact me ~


Change Becomes You


In the Fullest Vibration of Love