Change Becomes You
Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash | Florida, US
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, how are we to understand and relate to change? How can we flow with it, rather than resist it?
Guides: Change is not what you think it is, Dear Ones. So often you believe change is a threat to your very existence! Yet, change is knitted into the very fabric of existence to ensure its continuance.
The change you see is an expression of your free will.
You are not separate from the change that is continually unfolding; you are an integral part of it and an active participant in it. The change you see is an expression of your free will.
You might say of some things, “Well, I did not choose that!” But indeed you did, by your collective agreement to it. Much that you see that is displeasing to you, is present because of a collective agreement that it be so.
These are not things that many of you would choose consciously. You would not say, “I want war,” or “I want poverty,” or “I want abuse.” And yet, they have been part of the path of humanity so that it may learn to choose again, to lift what-is to a higher level of vibration, so that their presence is no longer needed for humanity to discover its True Self.
… all that is manifested begins in the vibration you hold.
As for individual circumstances, there is much that you would prefer to be different, but is not. All these creations – preferred, or not – are brought into being by the level of vibration that you hold. This is not to blame, for this is not what we do, Dear Ones, but to say that all that is manifested begins in the vibration you hold.
This is why there is such yearning now amongst humans to know their True Selves. For it is from the True Self that one creates truly; that is, creates in the highest vibration.
Change is why you each have come here.
Your human journey has always been one of evolution. Everything is evolving – now at a faster rate in the experience of your linear timeline. Evolution is what change is. Change is what evolution is. Change is why you each have come here. Especially at this time.
We will say again, that not one of you is here at this time by accident. And you are all in this process together. These are both individual and collective agreements to bring humanity into a new era.
Each carries the Divine within them.
Each of you holds a special key to what is unfolding. Curse no one. Embrace them as your brothers and sisters, though you may not agree with their perspective. Each carries the Divine within them.
As for the resistance you feel to change, it is natural for your human selves to be at times disconcerted by it. For you have believed that change is a threat, rather than a blessing. Resisting change is a bit like – as you would say – arguing with reality. Change has always been and will always be, for you are in an unfolding Universe. Find joy on the ride.
Know that the changes that are so uncomfortable now pave the way to the new earth you hold so deeply in your hearts.
To find peace with change, go within and feel the vibration of the True Self. Lift that vibration up and offer it to first to yourself, and then to your day, to your neighbors, to your wider world, and see what unfolds. Know that the changes that are so uncomfortable now pave the way to the new earth you hold so deeply in your hearts.
Understand that the creation of what you desire rests not upon your hard labor. Though there is some genuine effort required, what will lift and create the world you desire is the changing of your hearts and the lifting of your vibrations through the recognition that you are the Divine in human form.
When you allow the clearing of perception of self and others, the path to peace comes naturally.
We love you so, and stand beside you in this journey you have chosen to take together.
It’s my privilege to sit with you and access the guidance available in your Akashic Records. If you are called to traverse the terrain of your own higher wisdom, I welcome your inquiry ~ contact me here.
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