Release What is Falling Away
Photo by Firdouss Ross on Unsplash | Kuala Kubu Bharu, Malaysia
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, how are we to discern what to release and what to keep?
Akashic Guides: Release what is falling away. Clinging to what is falling away moves you into a state of fear and mis- alignment rather than alignment. Think of the difference between ‘shooting the rapids’ [careening down a rushing river in a small boat] and paddling upstream. The experiences are quite different, are they not?
Feel the guidance within your body, Dear Ones. When shooting the rapids, you are fully alive, awake, focused upon entering the rapids at a particular point, working with the river. You’re not sleepily analyzing, asking yourself, “Should I go this side or that side of the boulder?” You are not imploring the river to move you one direction or the other. You are engaged but “in charge of” little. The river is roaring, rapidly pushing you forward.
… the choice is how to navigate the change.
You are focused upon harnessing the energy of the river to move you in the direction you have chosen. It is not a choice of whether to move along, whether to change or not: Change is inevitable. Rather, the choice is how to navigate the change.
Move with the current you are in.
Trust your body’s wisdom to direct you. The time for preparing and thinking is past when you are already in the river. Move with the current you are in. Once you’re in the river it is too late to decide upon another river; you must make your choices within your context.
Trust your body’s wisdom to guide you and do not argue with the river. (“I should not be in this river!” “This river should be different.” “The river is not flowing the way I want it to flow.”)
… make your choices with your heart centered in trust rather than fear.
Be at peace that some part of you chose to be in this river and that you are, in fact, in the river along with many others, all your brothers and sisters. Make your choices, for you do have choices here. Consider them with your mind, but make your choices with your heart centered in trust rather than fear.
… it is always better to go over the rapids facing forward!
Paddling upstream against the current only garners you exhaustion and frustration. And … it is always better to go over the rapids facing forward! [They say this with a bit of humor and the felt energy of the communication is that we would be best served to face things squarely with a sense of excitement.]
It is time, Dear Ones, to continue to envision your new future. This is what this time is about for you all, and it is why this question has arisen. For there is much clutter, internal and external, weighing you down and distracting you from the task of envisioning your heart’s desire.
Whether it be an object, role, mental construct, or belief – if it does not bring you joy and support your happiness and well-being (individually and collectively), we would encourage you to release it.
… you have a right to feel the joy, peace, and freedom that is your natural state.
Your life energy is precious. You are always free to choose to hold on to anything, but you will know what serves you and what does not by how you feel. And you have a right to feel the joy, peace, and freedom that is your natural state.
If the object, role, mental construct, or belief does not elicit these things (joy, peace, freedom) it is both your answer to how you would know what to release and a clear directive regarding what would serve you best. What would serve you best, are the things that bring you the experiences of joy, peace, and freedom.
Much is falling away. Rejoice in this. For what is falling away has been built upon falsehood. Trust your heart in all matters to guide you rightly.
Do you feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records? If so, I am delighted to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~
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