Embody the New Earth You Desire
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash | Asilah, Morocco
Cheryl: Akashic Guides of this Community ~
Many are coming for readings expressing confusion, feeling disoriented and uncertain about what to do and how to plan for the future. When so much of what we read and hear about in our world seems inconsistent or does not ring true, how are we to know what to trust?
You have encouraged us to stay focused upon envisioning our future, but how are we to do this when we don’t know what to believe … what is real … what is true?
Guides: Dear Ones,
We did not say plan for the future, we said envision your new future. We understand how it is that you would perceive it in this way. So prone is your world to create plans, with specific steps, which go 1, 2, 3. And to look to such for your safety. This is how you have been trained and it is what you are used to, and while it has its place … there is something else being called for in your here and now.
You are all, to a greater or lesser degree, used to taking your cue and directions from that which is external to you. As those structures and stories, sources of information and beliefs are seen as compromised and even ‘bankrupt’, their collapsing will throw you back upon your own knowing of what is true and what is not.
What you are being invited to do is to envision a new world …
Initially you may experience a disequilibrium, but with the passage of time you will regain your balance as you focus upon what your heart tells you is true. This is very different from what your mind is convinced is true. What you are being invited to do is to envision a new world … from the Heart … from your deepest place of knowing what is True. You might say True beyond true.
Your ability to envision anew is served by Stopping. Breathing. Listening. Allowing the nervous system to slow and find its ‘Hum’ … its natural vibration of relaxed certainty. There is much in your world that counters this natural state within you of knowing the Truth about your own nature, but it is yours to reclaim, to cultivate and nurture, and to create from.
All that you see as created begins in vibration.
All of creation is vibration, is energy. You know this on some level regardless of the path you have chosen. Be you a mystic, scientist, artist, parent, healer, or none of these, your experience as a human being offers you countless proofs of this reality. All that you see as created begins in vibration. This includes you, Dear Ones.
You are what you so deeply desire.
If you wish to know the Truth and to create from it, lift your focus by going within. There you will find the Truth that you are. Know that you BE that. In allowing yourself to know the Truth that you are, you embody the new future … the New Earth … that you desire. You are what you so deeply desire. You are so very loved.
Are you embodying your own New Earth? Are you envisioning a new future? I would be delighted to sit with you and invite the support of your own inner wisdom and guidance of your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones to cultivate these knowings. Schedule an Akashic Records reading here.
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