Choose Anew with an Awakened Consciousness
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash | Edisto Beach SC
Cheryl: This robust Full Moon blog entry (including channeled discussion with the Akashic guides of this community of readers) ponders perception:
Perception (noun):
- a thought, belief, or opinion, often held by many people and based on appearances
- an awareness of things through the physical senses, especially sight
All Sacred Vessels is a phrase I’ve used for many years, in speech and as a business name. I find it meaningful and descriptive. I used it when I was a potter. It described my overarching credo as a psychotherapist. Today, it illustrates the container created when I sit with someone for an Akashic Records reading. It would be accurate to say that I’ve become attached to the phrase and the meanings I’ve given it!
In recent months, I’ve been re-envisioning my All Sacred Vessels website. In collaboration with the wonderful design team at Sarah Moon & Co., my partner and I combed over words, images, links, interfaces – honing countless details. This is to say, of late I have been closely engaged with the content of the website, before and after it was launched.
So imagine my surprise one evening a few days after website launch when I noticed what I thought was a blatant anomaly. Nowhere in the text of the home page ‘banner’ did I see the words All Sacred Vessels.
I thought, ‘Hmm … how could I have missed that? The old website certainly had the words All Sacred Vessels in the banner!’ Then I reasoned, ‘Well, maybe it's a search engine optimization thing; I’ll have to ask Sarah’.
Next morning, I mentioned this to my partner Kavita who shared my astonishment at this oversight after all our diligent proof-reading. She opened the previous website to confirm the incongruity and … jaw drop! The words All Sacred Vessels were not in the banner of that webpage, either – nor had they ever been, except in our perception.
Yes! For years, each time I looked at the original website (which I’d had a part in designing), I was convinced that my perception was reality and that my full business name – All Sacred Vessels Akashic Records Readings and Energy Healing – was there in the banner.
It was a bit mind-bending, honestly. Having had plenty of experience with ‘reality breakthrough’ over the course of my life, I am familiar with the territory ~ but this occasion of it took me to a whole new level!
Various feelings cycled through: disbelief, disequilibrium, discomfit, and then just disquieted laughter as I adjusted my perception to view this new reality! Humbling, too – in a good way – to fully recognize that I saw what I expected to see, and not what is there. Upon reflection, I can see this incident simply expresses the way each human mind constructs our distinct realities.
My adventure with perception also mirrors the current cultural era we are in, which is why I am sharing it with you in such detail. Personally, I am discovering what I thought was real about so many things … isn’t!
Quite a number of folks in both my personal and professional life are sharing tales of similarly disconcerting jolts in perception. Discovering aspects of their lives and the world (relationships, career, environment, community, socio-political alliances, etc.) that aren’t what they once perceived, or don’t fit together the way they once seemed to.
Perhaps – to a greater or lesser degree – you are having moments of bewilderment, disequilibrium, recalibration, and coming to clarity, as well.
Which brings us to my questions for this Full Moon discussion with the Akashic Guides for the community of people who read this blog. I asked them:
~ What am I to make of this very personal experience of realization?
~ How are we, collectively, to understand perception?
~ And how are we to navigate the growing awareness that what we have believed to be, is not so?
Guides: Dear Ones,
Your reality is indeed constructed … not by your True Self, but by your limited human self who believes itself disconnected from Source and one another. Do not be dismayed that it (your sense of reality) is falling apart. You are seeing behind the curtain of what you have constructed and how easily you can fool yourself or be fooled by others, especially within this level of dense vibration.
But that is the crack in the design, don’t you see?
So much of what is on your perceived level of reality is … foggy, at best. We use your word ‘reality’ as this is your beginning point, but compared with the larger Reality that Is, that we know and exist within, it hardly seems the same word should be used.
We are not diminishing your experience of what you convince yourself is true. It is quite convincing in your minds. But that is the crack in the design, don’t you see?
… it is not the mind which will know these things.
Your mind is a great labyrinth looping back upon itself, and thoughts do the same. You feel you must have an anchor somewhere, which is why you seek out answers. You want to know the truth, and yet, it is not the mind which will know these things.
We are not saying that it is not helpful to have a construct within which to function, but you become confused when you think that anything you think can hold reality. It cannot. Also that your individual experience or mind can hold all knowledge or understanding, or the whole truth, of anything on this planet. It cannot.
You have often offered to others an illustration about the variance of human perception in the witnessing of an accident at an intersection. It is a helpful description here:
Each person standing on the four corners of that intersection see a different accident. A person viewing from the second, or fourth or tenth floor of a building at the intersection would see aspects of the event quite differently. The two drivers or any passengers involved … more “truths” about the accident can be told by them. This is only considering the physical perspective each has.
Now introduce the past experiences of each person, the assumptions about good/bad drivers, beliefs about how accidents happen, or the accident history of that intersection and ‘what always happens there’, feelings of guilt, shame, or the tendency to blame, fear, the impulse of each party to grab power or to belittle. The list of influences which shape the ‘truth’ could go on.
If you want to know what is real, you must look beyond these 3-dimensional experiences.
But who is speaking the truth when they each relay ‘the facts’ as they have seen them? If you want to know what is real, you must look beyond these 3-dimensional experiences.
We know you want to know what is real and what is true, but that is only known with the Heart as it rests in peace. You want to know what is real, what is true, so as to feel safe. But you are already that, regardless of the calamity that may befall you.
You want to be safe in the physical sense, but this truly does not exist on Earth in the ultimate. We understand your wanting this, and we are not being cruel or withholding of it. It is just not to be had on the Earth plane. Yes, there are degrees of more or less safety as you experience it – and more feels better to your smaller self, of course – but the experience of it ultimately is determined by your internal state and your sense of connection to The Greater.
Cheryl: Yes, but if a bus is barreling down on me when I step off the curb, I am not going to calmly think, “Oh, there is a bus … but I am safe … Om …” That is an excellent way to end up in the morgue!
Guides: Of course, Dear One, and this is why your physical body is hardwired to bypass the frontal cortex and instinctively react to preserve your life when threatened. It is just that you often confuse when the threat is real due to your thinking. Your thinking can never tell you this … never tell you when a threat is real. That is your instinct’s job and your inner guidance in marriage with one another.
Cheryl: So how did we end up here, given my questions?
Guides: We are trying to describe to you that your human perception is never as it appears and you do not have to ‘figure it out’. You have better guidance than that. And we are illustrating the fact that you are all wrong (in your perception)… and you are all right.
The veil must fall away so you may choose anew with an awakened consciousness.
You cannot know the truth about the constructed reality you have collectively created without each contributing their perspective. And that there is a much, much larger Reality which is holding you all through this process of discovering what has been created unconsciously, on an individual and collective level. The veil must fall away so you may choose anew with an awakened consciousness.
Fear clouds your true knowing. Many are those who assist you now. Release what no longer serves you and be at peace. Breathe, Dear Ones. You are so very loved.
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Do you feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records? If so, I am delighted to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~