Transition Transmission
Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash | Harvest Moon
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, so many in this community are in transition or are now contemplating transition in some aspect of our lives (changes in location, relationship, employment, health concerns and choices, etc). How are we to know how best to approach these transitions?
Guides: Beloved One, your question is in many ways based in wanting to ‘get it right’ yet you cannot get it ‘wrong’. All that you choose will take you to where you are going, and bring to you what you need to unfold into the full blossom of your soul. This is a frustrating answer to you, we know, but it is true. From your perspective you imagine that there is a right and a wrong answer to so much, and yet it is not so.
Those choices that are in alignment with your True Nature bring more joy and ease …
This enslavement to duality is what prevents your flight. This does not mean that some choices do not feel better than others. Indeed they do. Those choices that are in alignment with your True Nature bring more joy and ease; those that are not in alignment bring more dis-comfort. Both are excellent choices from the soul’s perspective.
Cheryl: Ok, so how is this helpful to us? Duality is the construct of the world we live in. I get that you live in another reality, but we live here. Many are dealing with a shit show right now, and the concept of “it is not so” feels rather unhelpful at the moment.
You are sovereign, Dear Ones, whether you claim it or not.
Guides: We know you are frustrated, for you long for yourself - and humanity as a whole - to be in another place, in another frame of mind, centered in love. And it will be so, but it is you who will carry yourselves there. You are sovereign, Dear Ones, whether you claim it or not.
Cheryl: What does this mean?
Guides: That you are at choice; that you have free will and that your freely made choices determine your experience here. Even in - and especially in - this 3-D reality of time and space. Your choices of what to embrace and affirm determine your now, which is the foundation and springboard for the future. Claim and be as you desire in the now, and the future is taken care of. You are at choice…always.
Cheryl: As we move along, it often seems we have fewer and fewer ‘free’ choices.
Your decisions of what and how to change are best made with the heart, in a place of trust.
Guides: Yes, from the outside you are being squeezed mightily, and this is to be dealt with, but your sovereignty lies not without but within. The squeeze is only helping you to reach your own clarity about what is true and right for you. Your decisions of what and how to change are best made with the heart, in a place of trust. Decisions made in fear will beget fear; those made in love and union will bring love and union.
The transitions happening appear sudden for many, yet they are springing from fertile and long-prepared soil. Step back and look with a broader view and you will see the many elements coming into play which paved the way.
Cheryl: How are we to know what actions to take? To know which actions are, as you described, “true and right” for each of us?
Guides: You will be moved … as in, inspired. You will ‘just know’. This is a separate and distinct energy from the figuring-it-out energy you are accustomed to. Who told you figuring-it-out with your intellect was the ‘right way’ to do it?
We would encourage you to question the ways you have inherited, and feel your way into whether they truly serve. If anxiety and stress and continual questioning are the results [of the old ways], these ways are not the ways natural to your makeup and do not serve you - or others.
Be at peace and know we are ever in service to you.
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If you’re inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records, it’s my pleasure to sit with you in this way. Please contact me if you would like to connect. Thank you!