Unmoored and Buoyed
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash | Greece
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, how am I to understand this time we are in collectively? How are we to navigate the uncertainty and inconsistencies which we are seeing in the world? Even what has been most stable is now rapidly shifting and dissolving. How are we to keep our moorings?
Guides: You are not, Dear Ones, for the moorings you once had will be of little use to you moving forward. Many of them were born of illusions or distortions and they must give way to what is truer and more natural – that is, what is born of nature and the truth of what you are beneath your confusion.
A more authentic and fitting mooring would be that – the truth of who you are.
A more authentic and fitting mooring would be that – the truth of who you are. A more stable one, as well, for this does not waver with the passing of time no matter the events which play out upon the stage of your physical world.
Much is coming unraveled in what you have constructed. As confusing and frightening to you as this may be in this moment, be assured that what is unfolding will lead to the betterment of all.
So breathe … consciously … and often.
We wish to bring comfort to you now and urge you to breathe your way back into your natural state, which is one of peace. When you ride the breath it allows the mind to rest and it takes you Home. So breathe … consciously … and often.
Your natural guidance system does not reside between your ears, Beloved.
Your natural guidance system does not reside between your ears, Beloved. It is your breath which will guide you to the sacred space behind your heart. The knowing which arises from this place is to be trusted. But you cannot dig it out, like some buried treasure which has been hidden away, though a treasure it is. Give yourself to the breath and it will arise without effort to greet you. Clench and it will elude you. Be still and it will sit by your side.
We offer these suggestions to ease your journey.
We would never tell you what to do, for in doing so we would defy what is natural and rob you of your free will. We offer these suggestions to ease your journey.
Be at peace. Yes, even and especially in these times. We are ever near you.
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