Contributing to the Creation of the New World
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash | Star Reflection
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, as calendar year 2021 nears conclusion, unstable and discordant conditions here on earth seem to be amplifying. Interestingly, so too are the vibrations of sovereignty and unity rising.
Many (if not most) people in my sphere express wide-ranging experiences of skepticism, dismay, and exasperation regarding current world events – regardless where they land on the socio-political spectrum.
Some also describe an increasing sense of clarity, capability, and empowerment in the face of profound external challenges. Yet others are overcome with despair and angst.
What can you share with us now, as our inner and outer worlds continue this metamorphosis?
Guides: Dear Ones,
As we have said before what would serve you most is to stay calm … to stay grounded in the earth energies to which you belong and open and connected to the Higher Wisdom.
Breathe deeply and stay in your body.
Yes, you are indeed in a time of great foment and challenge. Even the earth is making huge changes and your sun is very active. Both these factors – as well as others – are impacting your physical vessel. Breathe deeply and stay in your body.
While there is much outwardly to focus upon, we would urge you to stay in your heart. There is much that is encouraging you to lose heart and to act and think and feel from a place of contraction, reaction, blame, and hatred. This is not consistent with your True Nature.
… focus upon what you know to be your True Nature …
We encourage you, therefore, to focus upon what you know to be your True Nature and to see your brothers and sisters in this same way. This is very difficult when you are in a state of fear.
Move your thoughts and your energy to the higher plane. This is not about being in denial of the very real energies which threaten to undo humanity’s diversity and freedom. It is embracing and being the Truth That Is.
To move through this time with the greatest level of ease and grace possible, you will need one another. Do not get lost in the maze of accusations and blame. Do not get lost in the divisions that have been created. You have more in common with one another than you realize across the divisions of politics, race, religion, and other seeming differences.
Speak your truth and your differences, but do not make enemies of one another.
We see from a more expanded vantage point and urge you not to get lost in the minor skirmishes when so much is at stake. We encourage you to find ways to bridge your differences and give to one another, as you would say, the “benefit of the doubt.” Speak your truth and your differences, but do not make enemies of one another.
Again we say to you, we will never tell you what to do, but will urge you in ways which will aid you in navigating this time in alignment with your True Essence, as you have asked. You are always at choice, Beloved Ones. That is one of the highest treasures in the Universe ~ the freedom to choose. Make no mistake of this.
… stay connected with your your heart and higher guidance in this time.
When you choose in alignment with your highest inner guidance, you act as creators. When you choose from your True Nature, which is Love, you contribute to the creation of the new world which is unfolding. As many of your sacred texts bear witness to, love and fear cannot abide together. This is why we urge you to stay connected with your heart and higher guidance in this time.
Stand in the truth of who you are and what you know to be true and worthy. You are not alone. Take Heart.
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An Akashic Records reading is a wonderful way to begin a new year! If you feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records, I am delighted to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~ and warmest New Year Blessings.