The World Your Heart Desires

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash | Sutro Baths San Francisco, CA

Cheryl:  So, Akashic Guides, how are we to understand the worsening of conditions in the world and in human relations?  And what are we to do as we move through the months ahead? 

Guides:  Dear One, when we began this more-obvious-to-you journey by communicating with you in this form, we spoke immediately of the need to go within and begin to clear your ‘field’, if you wish, of the static from the externals. 

We urged you to find your own inner guidance – or as you often term it, your own inner compass or GPS. This is ancient sacred technology and is far superior to what you may find on the material plane.   

We have stated that there is nothing more powerful in the universe than the human heart, and this is true, though your human science is only now beginning to glimpse the validity of this assertion.  This is why there is such a battle raging in the dimension where your world exists for who will control its power. 

Reclaim your hearts and return to love.

Do not give up your sovereignty over your own heart, for the future of your world depends upon it.  If you become convinced that your neighbors are not your brothers and sisters, but are instead your enemies, you have turned your knowing and your power over to another.  Reclaim your hearts and return to love.

Differences are the beauty of your created world – not the enemy of it.  Fear is a tool turned, bent to destruction – not creation.  You only know the difference between truth and lies by staying out of fear.  When in the purity of your heart, the frequency of falsehoods make themselves known.  Drop out of your ‘I know’ mind and into your heart.

Cheryl:  Why are you going on about this?

Guides: We will tell you plainly.  You have asked how to understand the worsening of conditions and what to do. 

You are facing the truth of what you have not wanted to see.

The worsening is happening because you are all clarifying what you want by bringing to the surface what has truly been occurring and what you do not want moving forward.  You are facing the truth of what you have not wanted to see.  This is why it is so important that we address your disillusionment in this way. 

You are not powerless, but rather coming into the zenith of your power as you see your world more clearly.  This is challenging spiritual and psychological work. 

… freedom is cherished throughout the universe and you are at a great moment of choosing.

As we have said, freedom is cherished throughout the universe and you are at a great moment of choosing.  Whose version of ‘reality’ do you choose to believe?  And whose values do you choose to uphold by the spending of your precious life energy? 

Will you choose to trust your own deepest knowing and be faithful to it?  Or will you revert back to the same behavior in a different form to cover up what has been exposed because you do not want to see?

… turn your light up and do not be afraid. 

You have invested much for love and inclusivity.  Do not give up now.  As the physical and energetic systems which have held you in prison begin to dissolve around you, turn your light up and do not be afraid.  How this may look for each of you will be different and we will not instruct you in the specifics.  These details are between you and your own soul’s contract to work out.  But here we have given you the larger template.

You each have a part to play in bringing the new world into being.  In fact, it is already forming which is why, as you would say, ‘everything is going to hell in a handbasket’. The energy of the new is collapsing the walls of the old. 

Do not abandon what you know is true in your inner heart.

Focus on the world you know is possible, the world your heart desires, a world which includes the good of all.  Do not abandon what you know is true in your inner heart.  If you stay grounded here, and – as much as possible – have your every action, thought, and intention be true to this, you will navigate this time with clarity, though bumpy it be.

Releasing the need to evaluate your efficiency or your success will bring great relief.  We encourage you to try this.  Evaluating in this way is an aspect of the old world which is falling away.  You do not have the clear vision of the larger effect of your efforts at this time.  Trust that when you are acting in alignment with your heart, the harvest will come.

Dare to choose peace and joy.  

We are with you, as always, and hold your truer vibration.  Dare to choose peace and joy.


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As you welcome the new calendar year, you may feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your own Akashic Records. If so, I am delighted to sit with you! Please contact me if you would like to connect ~


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