Your True Nature Will Guide You Rightly
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash | Athabasca Falls, Canada
Cheryl: As is my practice, I entered the Akashic Records on the eve of the full moon seeking a message for the community drawn to this work. Before I could pose a question the Akashic Guides began to speak, addressing the larger community directly. May you find within their message just what you need for this time in your journey.
Guides: Greetings Radiant Beings!
You are indeed this and so much more.
We wish to call you forth out of your dismay and confusion. So consistent are the stories and forces that distract you from who and what you truly are, it is little wonder that you feel discouraged and frightened.
Feel within … deep within yourself … the power of you.
But do not fear – what you are is far greater than the energies which are at play in these times. You are often convinced to the contrary, but that is simply illusion. Feel within … deep within yourself … the power of you. The power which arises, inspires, and animates you.
You have become convinced that you are flesh only, but you are far from it. As integral and as important as the body may be, it is only a small fraction of what you are.
It is truly mind-boggling … and this is good.
We speak to this now because many of you are seeing more clearly what is occurring. The scales are falling from your eyes, so to speak, and it smarts the eyes and heart when you see more clearly. It is truly mind-boggling … and this is good.
We say to you, be not dismayed. Nothing is as it has seemed. Nothing. This is why we have urged you to ground yourself in nature and open your heart to bear the clear sight which is coming to you.
Your heart will guide you clearly. Your True Nature will guide you rightly.
Rejoice in the seeing, though it will be disturbing at times. This is Awakening. Only with clear perception can you see your direction – the path that you are to walk through these times. Your heart will guide you clearly. Your True Nature will guide you rightly.
C: What do you mean by “True Nature”?
It is what you authentically are and bears a particular vibrational signature. You speak of it as love, joy, peace. These are concepts which convey the tone of your True Nature, but cannot completely capture it, as such words are transmitted through the mind – which, as beautiful and grand as it is – cannot carry the full vibration of your frequencies. This is reserved for the High Heart. It is a knowing of feeling – a feeling of knowing – its purity rings true and certain.
Again, words fall short of describing what you are because they are only symbols of that which is indescribable. Do not get lost in the words we offer. Let your heart rise to meet their vibration. Here you will meet your True Nature and enter your bodies fully.
You are collectively moving beyond the time of “figuring it out” and are returning to your true state of being – which is … well, Be-ing! That is, meeting and greeting what arises in your experience with the fullness of who and what you are.
You will know what to do and who to join and who to depart from.
This is both new territory and a returning to an ancient and wise way of being. In this way you will find your way. You will know what to do and who to join and who to depart from. It is the wisdom of your body – the cellular memory within - the wisdom of your ancestors carried as a gift within you.
Let rise within you your own knowing of that which has lain dormant.
Take comfort in the surety that you are not alone in this time of great change. Open and receive this vibration. Let rise within you your own knowing of that which has lain dormant. Now is the time to step forward and claim your True Self.
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Is now the time to experience the wisdom and compassion of your own inner guidance? If so, I am delighted to sit with you in this way. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~