In the Fullest Vibration of Love

Low angle photo of cliff in shape of heart | Photo by Omer Salom | unsplash-image-xnynBH_ux_I.jpg

Photo by Omer Salom on Unsplash | Antelope Canyon, Page, Arizona

Cheryl: Usually, I bring a specific question(s) to ground and focus the reading.  Yesterday, none was needed! The Akashic Guides leapt directly into this animated sharing.  Enjoy the oasis of love and laughter they offer us all this month.

Guides: We greet you in Love, for that is All That Is, Dear Ones. 

We are aware that you have developed your practice of focus and attention, which we applaud, yet you also continue to feel challenged in this. 

Know that we hold you in our awareness and focus unendingly.  You are never outside of our loving purview. 

Know that we are love and that we love you.  Know that you too are love and that your deepest desire is to love.  Loving is what is most natural for you … love being, in essence, what you are.   

In time, all will know the truth of their existence.

Not one of you is an exception in this essence and desire, though it may dwell beyond your personality’s conscious awareness.  We offer you this truth from our vantage point, which is much wider than you may be able to see at the moment.  In time, all will know the truth of their existence.

We would say again that you are Love; that all is Love. 

We would say again that you are Love; that all is Love.  This is a true fact and not something open to speculation, though you might wish to argue with it. 

You might say, “What!?! Can you not see what is occurring here?  How can you say that we are love, that all is love, when such evil deeds are unfolding at every turn?”  And we would say again, “You are Love … and all that is created is of Love.”  At this you may begin to pull your hair out, thinking that we are so unaware as to prove ourselves completely useless to you.

We hope you are smiling at this scenario we offer, Dear Ones.  We know you are at times exasperated, but would encourage you to have patience with us and with yourselves.  These irritations you may feel at the repetition are simply the shaking loose of what is not true within you.  We would even suggest that you laugh when they arise, for they have come in order to pass, and are part of your pathway to freedom. 

… we encourage you to be diligent in your discernment and self-care.

As you move forward upon your timelines, we encourage you to be diligent in your discernment and self-care.  Turn your focus and attention to these things.  They are not separate from one another, but are integral each to the other, being intimately intertwined.  Be gentle in both as you turn your intention and attention toward these crucial elements of living in your world.

As you come into alignment with your Greater Identity, that which you are in Truth, the path before you will be clearer and easier to navigate. 

… you will understand on a deeper level that the answers do not lie outside of yourself, but within.

This does not mean that the external drama of your world will suddenly resolve, but rather that you will understand on a deeper level that the answers do not lie outside of yourself, but within.  This we have said many times, but as you move forward, you will be better able to perceive and receive the vibrational meaning and ramifications of these words. 

Please understand that we never tire of repeating ourselves and finding new ways to communicate what is true … especially about the reality that is you.  We delight in this.  Nor do we desire for you to feel pressed down or harangued in any way by this repetition.  We offer such surplus in the fullest vibration of Love. 


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And if you’d like to experience the wisdom and warmth of the guidance available in your Akashic Records, please contact me ~ I am delighted to meet with you in this way!


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