Joy is Perhaps the Most Radical of Acts
Photo by Timon Studler on UnSplash
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, what do you want us to know, now?
Guides: We thought you would never ask … [this heard with peals of good-natured laughter]. We say this just to hear you laugh, Dear One, for the many Beloveds who read this also would benefit from laughing more, especially at this time.
We have said before that Joy is perhaps the most radical of acts during this time of rapid change on the Earth. So reach for it boldly – Reach for Joy with all your Heart. Reach for it with certainty that it is your birthright, and indeed, your very nature.
So many are yearning for truth and authenticity from others while yearning to be authentic themselves. This is not a matter of generating or creating something different than what you are. It is a matter of uncovering, rediscovering, daring to allow authenticity to bubble up and find expression.
As you are Love, so you are Joy. As you are Light, so you are Joy.
As you are Love, so you are Joy. As you are Light, so you are Joy. It is a whole. You are already what you desire in your High Heart to be. But much has clouded your perception, and therefore your experience of, the Truth of You. Allow yourself to Know what is True.
Put you hand on your Heart and you will be Home.
You are all in this Great Unfolding …. each of you finding your place. Though it may feel very confusing at this time, you have what you need within you to quell the uncertainty and confusion. Put your hand on your Heart and you will be Home. Breathe deeply and know you are loved and belong. You have a unique contribution to make to the Great Unfolding, but it is not so much about doing as about being. For some, there is much to do, yes, but the foundation of all is the being.
Place your hand upon your Heart and breathe. It is from here that you will find your answers, not from the brain, not from the mind, not from the attempts to sort it out with your excellent logic.
Stay grounded, be in your body when you do your thinking.
We have said in the past, that the human heart is one of the most powerful things in this Universe … and beyond. You have doubted this, but it is becoming clearer to you now as you come to understand more about how you create your inner and outer worlds. If you are only making use of your brain and letting it led the way, you become dissociated from the body, your incarnation, in the very act of thinking. Stay grounded, be in your body when you do your thinking. For when you are fully in your heart and letting it think, you will come to conclusions which you know are ‘right’ for you and which are life affirming for all.
This act of hand-on-heart is, as you might say, a way to ‘touch dial’ and reach us.
You are precious to us. We invite you to let this sink in so that you may know it … feel it. Breathe it in, Beloved Ones, and let it course through your every cell. Place your hand upon your Heart. This act of hand-on-heart is, as you might say, a way to ‘touch dial’ and reach us. So too, it is a way to ‘touch dial’ and reach you … to know your true nature and essence.
Breathe deeply and know we are with you every step of the journey.
I often remark that I treasure having the opportunity to reflect to people the beauty of their souls during an Akashic Records reading. If you feel inspired to schedule a reading, please contact me to schedule a time. I look forward to sitting with you.
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