A Message Now from the Guides for Us All
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash | Haleiwa, Hawai’i, US
Cheryl: A day or so after New Year’s Eve, my Guides woke me to receive a message. I had no question in my mind, but they roused me from a deep sleep and urged me out of bed to record their words. Afterward I promptly went back to bed and forgot it, only remembering it yesterday.
It seems an important message to share at this juncture, rather than wait until my next blog post at the full moon. May it offer comfort and guidance as we navigate the time ahead of us.
Guides: Everything that is happening is for a purpose – to move you forward collectively. The worse it looks through your limited eyes, the greater the purpose it serves. When much is out of balance it takes a great calamity to bring harmony and cooperation again.
Do not be fooled by appearances. Yes, much is falling apart – much collapsing. When there is a festering wound, it looks very ugly … and when lanced, even uglier. This is what you are facing.
But focusing outwardly will only keep you in terror. This is why we have said repeatedly to turn inward, to your True Heart, and listen. There you will find the guidance you each need to navigate these times.
Do not assume that it will look the same for all. This is part of the folly of the past you are leaving. Each will find their way if they will listen within to their True Heart. From this place of centered, grounded, hooked-up energy, safety and cooperation will spring.
Breathe deeply and feel the certainty that you will be guided.
Saying to yourself or others that 'things should not be this way' keeps you in fear. Accept that they are this way because of past choices – made individually and collectively – and the consequences are showing you in bold relief that it is time to choose again.
What do you choose? Love? Peace? Kindness? Inclusivity? These are all well and good, yet if they are not to be found within you as individuals they will not be reflected ‘out there’.
Create what you want by being what you want. If you are not at peace how can peace exist? If you are in judgment about others, how can inclusivity become manifest?
Do your work, hold fast to what you know to be true, forgive yourself and others, and choose joy. The latter is the most radical act in the times you are entering.
This is (in your time) a long journey. Choose what will support you on the voyage and jettison everything that weighs you down or ties you to the past.
Your safety is not in the past. It is in the present. And, in your trust of yourself. Each is given good guidance. Listen to your own counsel.
You get to decide what it means to be human. Choose wisely and from your deepest knowing.