Depression and Anxiety ~ Reclaiming Connection
Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash | Vonore, US
In times of magnified transformation - which inherently include matters of transition, loss, death, and rebirth - it’s not unusual to find oneself experiencing depression and/or anxiety.
While today I experience much inner joy and contentment, I am no stranger to depression and anxiety – each has been an integral part of my journey to Now. Both have been powerful allies on my spiritual journey.
I entered the Akashic Records on behalf of this community (anyone who reads the blog and/or the newsletter) to ask the Akashic Guides for their perspective and considerations.
Cheryl: I want to ask a question about depression, as so many are experiencing it at this time. What understanding and guidance can you give us to navigate this difficult state of being?
Guides: First, we would say that this is not a sudden appearance of this condition or even an exacerbation of it. Rather, it is a revealing of what has been underlying. Many have been riding on top of it for years – at times just below the surface, at other times quite buried, but present all the same.
Many have been living in a state of perceived disconnection from the Self.
The sudden standstill – the current disruption and interruption of your supreme distractions – has stripped away the gossamer covering to reveal the truth. Many have been living in a state of perceived disconnection from the Self. How can this not cause depression ... which at core is a dis-spiritedness … and its partner, anxiety?
Cheryl: Yes, depression and anxiety often go hand in hand, though one may dominate and even block our awareness of the other.
Guides: Indeed. And regardless of the longstanding nature of this confusion – its longstanding presence – one may have become even more keenly aware of depression and / or anxiety during this time of rapid change.
Cheryl: So how are we to understand this and address it?
Guides: Understand that it is fundamentally a natural emotional response to the experience of (belief in) disconnection. You are in grief when you are depressed. The ‘cause’ of this grief may not be as immediately obvious as when one loses a loved one through death of the body. Though your loved ones are never truly gone, you may miss their physicality greatly and the disruption in how-things-have-been may be significant for you. And, when you are anxious, you are in fear. Both states rely upon the confused perception that it is possible to be disconnected from Self – or Source, Spirit, God, call it what you will.
There is an underlying profound grief with which humanity has long been living, and is bubbling to the surface during this time of ‘reset’.
But many humans (we would say most) live with some experience of disconnection from themselves, from each other, and from the earth of which they are part. There is an underlying profound grief with which humanity has long been living, and is bubbling to the surface during this time of ‘reset’. Intuitives and sensitives (as you call them) may find this especially challenging, as they are experiencing a portion of the collective energies in addition to their own personal ones.
We would urge you to remember that your natural state of being is one of wholeness, connection, peace, and joy.
We would urge you to remember that your natural state of being is one of wholeness, connection, peace, and joy. This is a far reach for you when you're in the depths of depression yet it remains true nonetheless. Many will not want to hear that depression is a practiced vibration but this also is true. Hear this as good news, for it means that you can move yourself out of this or any state which is so very painful to you. We speak these words and deliver them with tenderness and appreciation for your incarnation (and its challenges).
You are in pain because you have come to believe that which is not true, and have focused upon it as true. You have come to believe that there is something wrong with you. You have come to believe that you – or your world – have become irreparably damaged due to events which have taken place. Change happens, Beloved Ones. On the earth, things come and they fade away.
For spiritual expansion and human evolution to occur, the forms which are temporary must fall away.
For spiritual expansion and human evolution to occur, the forms which are temporary must fall away. This frightens you because you believe that your safety, your goodness, your wellbeing lie in the certainty and the continuity of form. They do not.
We are not dismissing the emotional challenges of the comings and goings … of the many changes that are upon you. Yet it is by taking the wider view and trusting your own knowing, your deeper knowing, your wiser knowing, that you may find relief. With this expanded perspective, you will not feel you must hold emotions at bay or deny their presence – nor hold on to them for the myriad reasons you may offer up.
All is connected and all necessary for the fullness of this time to be.
Allow these emotions to rise and fall away. Every birthing is a dying and every dying is a birthing. All is connected and all necessary for the fullness of this time to be. Even your depressions and anxieties. Let them be … and … focus upon what you desire to experience and where you are going. Yoke these two together and you will move beyond the undertow of depression and anxiety.
We are ever with you.
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