Let Love Be Your Litmus Test

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash / Mendocino County, California, US

Cheryl: Greetings Dear Guides,

As 2024 concludes, the holiday season is augmented with beauty and heartache.

Transformation and expressions of human divinity are supported by vibrant astronomical and astrological alignments. Simultaneously, wars erupt, drones arise, and chronically dishonest media outlets are keen to distract and frighten rather than enlighten.

At the turn of season this year, on behalf of this community of readers, what guidance have you to offer? Of what do you want us to be aware?

I look forward to what you might have to say to us.

Akashic Guides: We wish you to be aware of your great power and that there is much to rejoice in! We know that many will reject these assertions outright, but we desire you to receive them with open hearts and hold them close. Won’t you take a moment to breathe them in? [ … a loving pause … ]

Over the years of our conversations we have often stated that there is nothing more powerful in this Universe than the human heart, for it is both your connection to and guidance through this Universe and beyond.

Guard it well, Beloveds. It is a great Treasure and Power. Otherwise, why would so many attempt to gain control of your heart and dominate you through it?!

The ancient traditions of your planet repeatedly instruct you to ‘fear not’.

Why is this? Fear is the key through which another convinces you that you are something you are not. It leads you astray from your path. In this way, your power is stolen and you are easily dominated.

So, trust the authentic leading of your heart~

Stay true to the loving nature which is yours. Be not convinced to hate another, for it is through lies and hatred that war is perpetuated and life is destroyed.

Hone your abilities to discern rightly!

Trust not the external world’s manipulative presentations. Rather, cultivate your inner knowing and trust in the universe’s grand and mysterious workings.

Much is unfolding. We would say, much is collapsing so that the fulness of what is true may be revealed. It is far from comfortable or pretty, but shall bring healing in the end.

Many times we have observed that nothing is as it appears, and urged you then to be surprised by nothing.

We now remind you that you are still within the window of such times. There are unearthings and disclosures ahead. Though some revelations will be shocking, be not undone by them. They must come forth. They are in service to the healing of the planet and all its inhabitants.

This is why staying grounded in your connection with Source as you experience it is so essential.

Many of you wish to find security and stability by way of things returning-to what you consider ‘normal’ or ‘stable’. But this is not to be, for it is in conflict with your greater desire to have a new world. This return to ‘normalcy’ is out of integrity with the energy of the world you are calling into being!

Indeed, it is through your great desire for Love to be made manifest that the present crumbling of destructive systems is occurring. Only when the corrupted nature of what has been created and which brings harm to life is fully revealed, can the positive future you so desire come into being.

Such a process is always messy. Yet this is why we boldly assert that there is much to rejoice in, and encourage you to take heart.

Keep your hearts lifted.

While the ride ahead will continue to offer many challenges, it will become clearer what is yours to do with each return to your Heart’s center.

Be the Love you desire. Be the Peace you wish to know. For the answers you seek begin and end within you, Dear Ones.

We know you are worthy and able to meet the Great Task of this Time.

We are ever near and honor your courage. We, as well as many other Helpers, are ever present and available to you at this time. Call upon us and feel your energy and wisdom rise within. Let Love be your litmus test.


Related blog posts you might wish to explore:

One Who Rides the Waves ~ December 2023

Choose Anew with an Awakened Consciousness ~ July 2021

Connect with Cheryl

  • The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.

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