Trust Your Leading
Photo by Gustavo Ardon on Unsplash | Catacamas, Honduras
Cheryl: Okay Guides, this is such a rancorous time! I can barely tolerate hearing the realities of what is unfolding in the world right now. It reflects my worst nightmares and fears. Today, I want to ask you for a message for the community. Yet I feel I can’t be a very good channel for love and clarity when I feel so frustrated and edgy.
Akashic Guides: Who says you can’t be angry and be a good channel?
Cheryl: Well, it doesn’t feel very clear to me …
Guides: Seems clear to us! You feel angry – and afraid of outside forces – and while those feelings do cause turbulence, it does not mean you cannot be clear in what comes through to you. True, some of the words may not be so gentle. Perhaps they will be a bit edgy, as you say, but they can be clear in their intent even if not polished, shiny, and soft.
Cheryl: Yes, okay. But is that really the message I want to put out?
Guides: Well, if you want to appear serene and ‘untouched by it all’, then no. But if you are wanting authenticity, then Yes! Part of what you have always striven for is authenticity; a sense of inauthenticity is what has irked you most. So be willing, Dear One, to be your most authentic self. Which is – at this time – a human on the edge of exploding with grief and outrage at what is happening in your world.
Cheryl: Would you share with us some of your considerations for being authentic in these wild times on earth?
Guides: We will gladly offer these perspectives, Dear Ones.
✶ Have your full range of emotions, but do not be ruled by them. Re-group and re-ground, accepting responsibility for your own choices and actions.
✶ Utilize your abilities to envision and choose. If you let any outside source dictate your internal experience, you have given your power over to them. Notice when your reaction is knee-jerk, then consciously choose your action. This includes the direction of your emotions.
✶ Ground yourself in the earth energies, affirming what you know to be the larger truth – Pure Love.
✶ Your physical bodies are ever more challenged by increased inflammation due to the stimulation of electronic technologies and contaminants in your environment. These are two of the factors contributing to the increased irritability you are noting in yourself and others. Grounding and decreasing that which contributes to inflammation in the body is always a good course of action.
✶ Unplug from the apparatus of control. Your electronic technology is one such tool. Technology may be used wisely for good, to be sure. Currently though, it is often infiltrated and being used not to serve – but to control and steer your thinking and behavior in less-than-beneficial ways. Use it less, use it judiciously, and you will see very rapidly how much better you feel in your body, mind, and spirit.
✶ See the future as you want it and as you know it will be and is. This can be so even though (as you say) ‘the shit is hitting the fan’ and things are quite chaotic! You know you have seen humanity’s true nature, and you know it is not what is playing out in your world.
✶ Turn within and use your own judgement. You each know what is correct for you, but often ignore or override it. Trust your own knowing and use others (including us!) as secondary confirmation. We cannot stress the importance of this practice enough, especially at this time! Be willing to listen to your own guidance and trust your leading. This ability is one of the most authentic aspects of being human.
✶ Dear Ones, you are in the midst of a great spiritual struggle which has great consequences for the future of humanity. We urge you to affirm the importance of your contribution by humbly expressing your humanity in your daily living.
Cheryl: How is it that you can see what is negative or detrimental in our world, when within the Akashic Records there exists only love? And how is it that you see all this while (sometimes) we cannot?
Guides: There is no judgement in the field which you call the Akashic Records. There is only love here, and only what you truly are.
We hold who you truly are in your perfect humanity, in your authentic state – as well as the many stories of lifetimes and experiences which may or may not reflect your true nature. But we know your true nature; we see you as you truly are, not as you think you are. Nor do we define you by your experiences as you do.
We also see what unfolds on the earthly plane and the other forces at play … forces other than True Source which is Love. We are neither blind to those other forces nor to their nature. But we do not give them the power you do.
This is why we suggest that you steward your power well and do not give yourselves over to what is false and counter to life. These forces exist within your world, but they only have the power you give them.
What you say ‘yes’ to and ‘no’ to now is so very important. Let not comfort nor convenience be your guide, but rather love and right alignment with your true humanity.
We bless you on your journey and are ever present with you all.
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Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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