Seeded by Truth and Beauty
Photo by Anton Maksimov on Unsplash / Ставропольский край, Россия
This full moon blog feels rather intense, and the question posed rather personal. I share it here suspecting that some of you will relate and find the Guides’ response helpful as the weeks and months ahead unfold.
Cheryl: Guides, I am at a loss how to begin – how to open myself and frame a question that may be of use to the larger community.
I often ask, What do you want us to know? or What would be most useful for us to address or consider at this time?, but these feel flat. Or, maybe it is me that is feeling flat.
My perceptions and imaginings of certain aspects of what may lie ahead make me feel weary. Weary and leary. I feel a bit battle fatigued. A sense of exhaustion from being besieged. Within me, there is an awareness that more challenge is yet to come.
I wonder if I have the strength to bear-up under the pressure to conform and go along with what I know within my soul to be so very, very wrong in our world.
Akashic Guides: Yes, Beloved One. You are weary – both as individuals and as a collective.
The systems you have created or agreed-to through acquiescence do not support the natural systems of the human, which are self-sustaining, self-healing, and cooperative by design. Cooperation, not competition. Peaceable co-existence, not war. These are natural to humanity. Little wonder you feel so weary and question your ability to persevere. You are ever pushing against what is natural to you!
Instead, draw upon the wellspring of Love that you are; the Love which energizes all of Life.
We encourage you to feel the weariness … but do not stop there. The weariness is not simply the product of engagement with forces counter to life, but also result from the illusion that ‘you’ – in the narrowest definition – must surmount what you are engaged in. Instead, draw upon the wellspring of Love that you are; the Love which energizes all of Life. It flows abundantly. From this view of self, you will soon relax into the reciprocal flow of source and destination.
When you rest in the Source of all that you need, external powers fade. Or said another way, the power of the external fades.
Do not underestimate the great work you have undertaken to be present on the Earth at this time.
Incarnation - being in the material body - is such a crucial element. As ‘the whole of you’ comes more fully into the body, the body re-configures. Part of your weariness is due to the great energy demands of this growth and transformation. Do not underestimate the great work you have undertaken to be present on the Earth at this time. You have prepared well and you comprise the internal, eternal resources you need.
Rest aplenty and be prepared to rise again.
Though you may feel weak, the muscle you have formed by way of all your earthly experiences now has opportunities to be useful. Your manifest bodies are much more capable than you realize and are here to serve you. Care for them well. Do not underestimate their abilities! Rest aplenty and be prepared to rise again.
Open to the bountiful energy of the Universe. As you stay grounded and draw upon your connection with the planet and all of nature, the gifts you have been given and those you have developed will become evident.
Let your choosing arise naturally from within you …
This is a period of choosing. The challenges of this hour are very real and must be met. You came to contribute to this rapidly emerging new creation - which is a return to True Nature via your consciousness. Let your choosing arise naturally from within you, seeded by the Truth and Beauty of who you are.
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A Message Now from the Guides for Us All ~ January 2021
Initiation ~ April 2020
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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