Nothing to Fix, Only Everything to Be
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash | Barbosa Ferraz, Brazil
Cheryl: Beloved Guides, would you speak to the concept held by some that ‘clearing the Akashic Records’ can aid in resolving current concerns in one’s life - ? I notice this doesn’t ring true with me, and leaves me with these questions:
- Can the influences of (what we understand as) past or parallel lives upon our current lifetime be ‘cleared’ - ?
- How best can we free ourselves of unwanted influences and interference within our current life experience?
- Will you speak to resolving vexing issues and patterns that prevent us from fully entering into our true creation?
The Guides: We are delighted that you raise this with us today, as it is quite timely in regards to your evolutionary timeline!
First, we will say, as we have said before: Nothing is as it appears. Next, this approach is framed within a particular understanding which is somewhat accurate and somewhat not … meaning that, the concept of ‘correcting’ or ‘clearing’ one’s records is a compromised notion.
The Akashic Records are not quite as they are sometimes perceived. They are not a record of facts and events meant to be ‘corrected’ or ‘cleared’.
That is, the Akashic Records are not the source of your current struggles and difficulties, available to tweak to result in a more pleasant ride in your current situation.
To arrive in the place you are today, each of you needed all of your experience!
They are a record of what has been - and is - within your journey. As you say, ‘for better or worse’. To arrive in the place you are today, each of you needed all of your experience! In this way, each and every speck of your experience has its own unique … and we would say, precious … contribution to the beautiful creation you are – and, to your reawakening to the Truth of who you are.
Like all things in your world, the Akashic Records are energetic. Material manifestations spring from - and coalesce around - vibration or frequency. Some may see what manifests as flaws. We see them as perfection … a perfecting of your creation into the now … the now of more conscious manifestation.
Language limits us, in that to say ‘perfecting’ implies that you have not yet arrived, but that is not so. Your experience is dynamic and ever-moving because it is energy!
You are complete – and, simultaneously - your creation is ever expanding into more of ‘itself’.
You are complete – and, simultaneously - your creation is ever expanding into more of ‘itself’. There is nothing to fix, only everything to Be, and an expanding awareness of What Is.
Understand that, to a degree, your human physical senses have been expropriated. This is why you may believe that if there is discomfort in your experience, there is something ‘wrong with you’ which ought be fixed by some external force. Not so! Within you, all is well.
As to your question of how you free yourself of the influences of past lives, parallel lives, or even present lifetime events, we would say: See them for what they are … experiences. And if they vex you in some way, allow the veil of illusion to drop.
As you drop what is not ‘you’, what is you becomes radiantly evident …
You will then see these influences clearly as distortions of the True, due to your interpretations of what they mean. As you drop what is not ‘you’, what is you becomes radiantly evident and you will be free of such burdensome judgements.
Here, it may be quite helpful to you to recognize that these distorted interpretations do not spring from your own knowing, but rather arrive from another source and are then taken in as your own.
An excellent example of this is, the experience of shame versus the experience of the inner awareness that you have acted out of alignment with your own integrity. Do you see? Both create a sense of internal discomfort, but ‘shame’ results in a sense that there is something wrong with you, while ‘the inner awareness’ prompts you to course-correct and bring yourself back into alignment with who and what you truly are.
Allowing yourself to perceive the frequency differences, natural outcomes, and ‘next steps’ from these two divergent experiences may help you to receive this communication kinesthetically, in your body, thus deepening your understanding.
Misunderstandings and their implications can be changed faster than a nanosecond!
See your thought and behavior patterns for what they are. Whether intentionally promoted or innocently assumed … they are misunderstandings about who you are and about the nature of reality. Misunderstandings and their implications can be changed faster than a nanosecond! This can change not only your life, but the lives of those around you. Such is the power each of you possess.
This is why discerning from a clear space within you is so important at this time.
Perceive clearly what is real and what has been fabricated to appear-as-real (by you yourself, or by another). Understand that - at this time on earth - you are facing powers and principalities which do not reflect the truth of who you are as a human being, nor do they provide accurate witness to the powerful gifts which reside within you. This is why discerning from a clear space within you is so important at this time.
Go within and listen to your High Heart. Allow yourself to know your True Self and shine your light into your communities with confidence.
We are ever with you, Dear Ones.
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Your True Nature Will Guide You Rightly ~ February 16, 2022
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Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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