Stillness is the Key to the Peace You Seek
Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland on Unsplash / Ko Samet, Phe, Thailand
Yesterday, when I entered the Akashic Records on behalf of the people who receive my newsletter, my question was a practical one. I am hearing from many folks who report juggling significant stressors and life transitions. I’ve been experiencing my own version of this, and so I asked the Guides how might we best face the current turbulence – within, and without.
Cheryl: Guides, how are we to greet the day in these confusing and stressful times?
The Guides: With stillness.
We recognize that your hearts are troubled by all that appears to be unfolding. So many perspectives and stories you have! Know that much is a distraction from what is really going on. Much is hidden from your view, or distorted. We are not saying that events are not occurring. Rather we are saying that what is happening is not as it appears, nor the main event.
You have been given the ability to discern with your heart and yet repeatedly you turn to your mind and the outer world. Thus, you are in great confusion. Here we do not chide, but offer this to help you to be aware of your focus and the ‘tool’ you are choosing to use.
The heart is the seat of discernment.
We tell you this not to say that you should not utilize your mind, but rather to encourage you to lean into the knowing of your heart. The heart is the seat of discernment. If you desire less confusion, stillness is the key to the peace you seek. This is within you and available always.
As true - or untrue - as events paraded out on display might be, the ‘real story’ is what is happening with you individually and collectively as you evolve to another level of awareness of who you are and the power you possess. This is what is really going on.
We encourage you to find your center … in stillness … and simply be. Begin and end your days in this way, if only for a short while, and you will find your way through.
Breathe and Be, Dear Ones.
Remember the line from the poem – “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs….”*. One’s head is not kept by overthinking, but rather by staying grounded in the body and listening to one’s heart. Breathe and Be, Dear Ones.
Cheryl: Yes, though it does often feel like walking through a field of land mines.
The Guides: We understand. Much is shifting, and rapidly so. Stay awake, aware, and unafraid. Fear always clouds the heart, as well as, the mind. This is why stillness will serve you best. From there you will know what to do. In this way, you set the tone of your conduct, not others. This is why you are here – to hold the frequency of your essence so that the coming changes in your external world more accurately reflect what is True and Good.
Cheryl: I so often feel that I should be doing better than I am; that I should feel calmer under pressure and clearer about my path.
The Guides: This is a natural response in most humans and does not indicate failure or the inability to rise to the occasion. You have never had such a challenge before; the facing of so many issues on such a grand-scale of collapse and rebirth.
So stand and shine your light into the world.
Now is the time to shine. It is not about perfection or looking pretty. It is just about showing up and being present … standing in the truth of being who you are. So stand and shine your light into the world. It is enough.
We are ever with you and hold you in great tenderness.
* Quote from If: A Father's Advice to His Son by Rudyard Kipling.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
Discernment in Extraordinary Times ~ May 2020
Let Love Reveal to You, Your Next Step ~ February 2023
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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