Your Inestimable Value
Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash | Barcelona, Spain
Cheryl: Guides, would you please speak to the question of value? Specifically, how human beings value themselves and each other?
Many of us perceive ourselves (at least, periodically) as inconsequential, ineffectual, even useless if we don’t have a certain social standing, amount of money, professional accomplishments, belongings, purpose, spiritual or technological prowess, or whatever gauge we may be holding in the moment.
I include myself in this, even though I recognize – in my heart – that all humans have inherent value! Still, I sometimes feel overcome by a sense of valuelessness in my fundamental humanity.
There appears to be a rising tidal wave of confusion on earth regarding what gives a human being value. This isn’t new, but it feels at a heightened pitch now.
How are we to understand the value of the human on earth? And what’s up with the prevalence of this oppressive, almost anti-human energy on earth at this time?
Guides: Dear Ones, the question of human value is settled long ago, yet you debate it still due to the great distortion in the earth’s energy field and human systems. You are – each of you is – of inestimable value.
The gauges you use to misjudge yourself and others are artificial – or at best, superficial – and create great suffering. You are vulnerable to this self-loathing (and projection onto others) due to your disconnection from nature and Source.
Your earth and humanity are of one nature and substance; an integral system. You are not just of nature, you are nature – central to and integral to the complete earth system.
We cannot speak of one (human) without the other (nature).
You generally speak and think of nature as outside-of and separate from you. Yet all of life is interdependent and essential to all other life. Life exists in a closed, self-perpetuating system in which nothing is lost and all contributes. We cannot speak of one (humans) without the other (nature).
When you mistakenly think of any aspect within the naturally created order as without value, it begins a cascade of destruction. This includes humanity’s over-estimation of self, or in the case of your question, the under-estimation of self. Either is equally incorrect and harmful to the integrity of creation.
Such are the times in which you now live … this time of deep and widespread revelation.
Initially this fraying of the fabric of nature may not be noticeable, but eventually it becomes quite evident. Such are the times in which you now live … this time of deep and widespread revelation. For those with courage to see, the many innocent (and sometimes not so innocent) distortions in your relationships within the fabric of creation are becoming apparent.
We do not sit in judgement of you, Dear Ones. Yet we see plainly that your exercise of what you call ‘free will’ has been unhinged from your connection with Source.
In feeling a bit lost, you have turned outside yourself to find your value, meaning, and guidance. As a result, your way of being, living, and relating has been led by others who are even more disconnected and out of balance. This has caused great destruction to the very systems which have, for millennia, given freely the things necessary to sustain life.
Cheryl: Hum … this question is leading us in a direction I had not expected.
Yes, I am aware (and have been for quite awhile) that most societal guidelines for living - guidelines we have largely accepted, until recently - are completely out of touch with the rhythms and wisdom of nature and this has brought great destruction to what truly sustains life on earth.
Can you say more in regards to the question of human value in relation to this?
Guides: Yes. The beginning of this cascade of destruction is what we will term an ‘energetic intrusion’ into the natural world and the workings of the frequency systems of the human being which over-rides the natural connection with Source.
By whatever name you may call it, this energetic intrusion is not natural to the earth creation which rises from the Source of Love. This energetic intrusion does not belong to the naturally created closed system which is self-sustaining.
This is why what you say Yes to and No to is so very important.
Thus, humans are currently engaged (and have been for millennia) in a powerful spiritual and very material struggle for full possession and loving stewardship of the Self as Body, as Earth. This is why what you say Yes to and No to is so very important.
Humans possess a particular aspect of Earth’s consciousness of Itself. Currently, humanity is functioning in a state of amnesia regarding its true identity and capabilities. In this disempowered fugue state, humans have not valued themselves or the other in any form.
In this state of amnesia, fear and war are easily introduced as a ‘natural’ consequence of living. While in truth, fear and war are far from ‘natural’ to the created order arising from True Source!
… we will go back to reiterate your inestimable value …
We could say much about how this came to be. Instead, to speak to your question, we will go back to reiterate your inestimable value … and the inestimable value of all living things within the created order.
War is not natural to humans. With its introduction, humans have declared war against one another and against themselves as they have destroyed ‘the least’ in the name of ‘progress’, ‘modernity’, and ‘profit’.
Manipulation of the human physical / mental / emotional / spiritual bodies – by way of this energetic intrusion – has brought you to your current condition of fear and confusion about the value of self and value of other. (In reality these are not separate and distinct bodies, materially or energetically.)
You describe this energetic intrusion as oppressive and ‘almost anti-human’. We would offer that this is a long-standing energy and is anti-human in that it does not support the things which sustain life.
You are capable of bringing back into balance the whole of creation by your consciousness and practical choices.
Humanity’s consciousness is a lynchpin and will determine which of the many possible future timelines will play out for you. What you choose matters greatly. You are capable of bringing back into balance the whole of creation by your consciousness and practical choices.
Choose what is most natural to your humanity. These being love, peace, joy, mutual respect, cooperation, and generosity. Be clear in your Yes and No. Gauge them by whether they are life-giving and regenerative.
You – and all of earthly creation – are of one fabric.
You – and all of earthly creation – are of one fabric. As you dis-invite the energetic intrusions and turn to reclaim your own rhythms, a rebalancing of the created order will occur. In the turning, each of you will recognize your place in the larger system and be in peace.
Humanity was meant to sing and dance, to celebrate in gratitude, to flow in the receiving and giving of life, to know their rightful place. It is as simple as that.
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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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