Of the Heart
Photo by Majid Gheidarlou on Unsplash | Tartarstan, Russia
Cheryl: Sitting today to speak with you, Guides, the questions arising are from my intellect. I’d much prefer this month’s message be one that speaks to the heart. Especially now, when love’s eternal presence on earth can seem ‘eclipsed’ by sources apparently devoid of love. Please share with us - the community of humans who read this blog - a message that touches our hearts.
Akashic Guides: Beloveds, your hearts are indeed battered and sore. You seek solace and soothing, which our words may or may not bring to you. Whether they are soothing or not depends upon you and your ability to allow what we offer here to rest within you, for your consideration.
The roots of what no longer serves are deep ...
You are all going through a profound seasonal clearing and cleansing of sorts; one that requires a letting go of what no longer serves, what is not authentic and original. The roots of what no longer serves are deep.
… the Truth is so much larger and more gentle …
What disturbs your hearts so is the darkness which has taken over so much in your world. Seeing this truth is painfully disturbing to you, for you know deep within that this does not need to be so and the Truth is so much larger and more gentle. Your world as it has been presented to you is not as it is.
What will you choose to embody in the world, Dear Ones? More of the same?
Or rather, the Truth which has been shrouded - yet still is present, and can be evident again?
There is a great battle raging, but it is not the wars which pop up and whose flames are being fanned with great intent. These wars are powerful external manifestations of what is occurring within you.
… the peace and love that abides despite the external play of events
We speak here of the struggle within your hearts to reclaim the Truth of who and what you naturally are! Of the peace and love that abides despite the external play of events. This is what is so about humanity – not the war, division, and hatred you have been convinced is “natural” or innate to humans and to earth.
Where is the war in your own hearts, Dear Ones? What form of violence does it take? Shame? Blame? Ridicule? Physical or psychological attack? What language does it use to convince you that you have a right to control, retaliate, or obliterate?
You each are worthy of this Great Work and oh so capable ...
You are in the midst of a Great Work. It is painfully challenging to see what has taken up residence within you. This is why you are here at this time … to contribute to what many call a Great Turning. Turning away from deceptive and destructive distortions, Turning toward the Light of Love, Kindness, and Generosity. You each are worthy of this Great Work and oh so capable.
These dark seeds of deception have taken root within your hearts and their removal is only accomplished with great attention, care, determination, and tenderness. This is not a matter of ripping them out with force! It is rather a dissolving.
We offer this suggestion of how to be with your tender hearts at this time:
Imagine your heart bathed in a soothing liquid light. If you wish,
see the whole of you floating.
Allow all thoughts, memories, and imaginings of pain, suffering,
war, and revenge to arise. See all which does not belong within
the heart, as slowly dissolving. Allow them to be dissolved by
the Love that you are.
See your radiant heart strong and unaffected by the many
intrusions and heartaches of the past, fully capable of
transmuting all that is false. Allow your heart to return to its
Source, and allow what is false to return to its source.
Your hearts can feel broken, but they also can mend and become stronger, more capable of holding the full reality of what is being encountered so as to move through this phase.
Your mind can convince you that you cannot bear more. In fact, you can bear it! And can do so with greater grace and ease, if you allow.
You are precious and needed at this time.
Which seeds do you wish to plant in the now and for the future? You are precious and needed at this time. Do not underestimate your contribution to the Turning.
We see you shining and moving beyond the entrapment of illusions. Choose to see yourself in this way and travel at the speed of light.
We hold you with much love and respect.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
You Will Ring Clear as a Bell ~ June 2022
Your Heart Can Bear the Whole Truth of Your World ~ October 2022
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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