In the World …
Photo by Emilie Hamn on Unsplash | Norway, Sandanavia
Cheryl: Dear Guides, the phrase “in the world, but not of it” (often quoted in spiritual / religious writings) has crossed my radar numerous times recently from a variety of sources. I notice that the interpretation of these words varies, depending on the writer’s personal contextual view and experience. I’d like to know how you perceive the notion of a human being ‘in the world, but not of it’.
Akashic Guides: The short answer to your query, Beloved, is that to be in the world but not of it means to know who and what truly you are, and not be fooled by the interference of the shadow world constructed to distract you from this inner truth and power.
Cheryl: And the longer answer? [To which I can ‘feel’ the sense of a smile appear.]
Akashic Guides: If you each lived into this short answer, it would be enough to keep you busy for a lifetime. [Now there is much full-blown laughter among all of us.] This is the focus of the journey of coming into a body and being the Light in manifest form!
You are this Light in manifest form, whether you realize it or not. What enables one to consciously be ‘in the world but not of it’ is remembering, recognizing, and being ‘what is and cannot be altered’. This is not achieving or reclaiming!
… the fact of what you are cannot change.
Certainly, your experience, perception, and adopted constructs can (and do!) shift and change. But the fact of what you are, cannot change. The concept of belief is related here, as is your penchant for nostalgia and comfort. But let us not leap too far ahead.
Belief has become a standard of measure on the Earth plane for rightness or wrongness, and thus sometimes is used as an instrument of control. As an instrument of control, ‘belief’ is out of alignment with what is so about the human being; which is, freedom and self-responsibility.
We would offer a more useful term here, that being, acceptance. If each of you perceived and accepted your authentic nature of goodness and recognized this in all others, there would be no reason for such judgment and control nor involvement with the world in this way. It would become easy to perceive that the natural created order possesses vast diversity within it and a cohesive energy – that of love – which binds all together in cooperation and mutual support.
… the power of love – from which all True Creation naturally springs.
When your heart and mind become split, it is much easier to ‘forget’ your true nature and become ensnared in the matters of the world. In this way, you give the world and its principalities authority over you, rather than what has true authority – the power of love – from which all True Creation naturally springs.
This is a much more complicated topic, yet know this: the rising travail in the world is increasing because of your growing perception of the truth of who you are. You are growing less tolerant of what is false, both within yourself and your outer world. As you step more fully into who you truly are, your outer world will ultimately reflect this higher frequency.
Your essence longs to express its fullness.
The nostalgic pull to go back to ‘how things were’ and to the ‘comfort’ of not-seeing (when deceptions were more veiled) are losing their appeal on a larger scale. Your essence longs to express its fullness. The challenge of being ‘in the world but not of it’ is a cutting edge which will bring you into another reality.
Your comfort and future are not of this of world of obscuration. Your comfort and your future exist in what-is and what has always been – being an embodied presence of Light and pure love. Do not be afraid to lean into this edge and let it cut you open.
Stay aligned within your heart and release all false identities and mental constructs. You will be amazed at what arises and remains.
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Luminous and Capable ~ August 2023
The Fiery Power of Your True Identity ~ February 2022
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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