Be Willing
Photo by Dominik Van Opdenbosch on Unsplash / Puerto Natales, Chile
Cheryl: Guides, I’m aware that what I have learned of the history of humankind on earth indicates that we (humans) repeat the same cycles over and again as a collective.
Within me, a deep knowing reminds me that this repetition of cycles is a mask – an energetic shadow – obscuring the inherent human capacity for vast creativity, vitality, and curiosity that is now mostly untapped. Our true greatness, our capacity for unlimited potential while embodied, has gone mostly dormant.
Would you please speak to how we reawaken this sleeping authentic human?
Akashic Guides: Ah, Dear One, we appreciate your question for it reveals that you are aware that you are collectively in a deep sleep and that you (and your community) desire to see this shift. And also, that this slumber keeps humanity from expressing their authentic being-ness … from living out their full potential.
Your present perceptions of your true nature are quite distorted, ‘masks / energetic shadows’ as you say, and these perceptions are far distanced from what truly is so about you as beings of Source and Substance.
If you wish to awaken …
If you wish to awaken from slumber, whether individually or collectively, a certain amount of willingness must be present. In this case, due to the many layers of distortion, a fair amount of willingness!
It is not comfortable to release how you see your reality, and that includes how you see yourself. Letting go of your investment in how you now see yourself (whether approving or disapproving) can be most uncomfortable.
You often use the expression that something is “not all it is cracked up to be”. Well, we would say this certainly applies to comfort and also to convenience. For in many ways, convenience and comfort have come to define the walls of your confinement within a false sense of self. Reliance upon them has prevented you from seeing your glory. You have many powerful drugs on the earth at this time; but to rob one of authenticity and power, none can hold a candle to the attractions of both comfort and convenience.
If someone values either comfort or convenience over clarity, then they will stay asleep to the ways in which they have been deceived (by others and themselves) about their true nature and what they are capable of bringing forth into the world.
… Be willing …
Own your ability to know the truth about who and what you are – and, cease farming out this sacred responsibility to others! There is much work to be done, but rectification occurs from the inside out. This reclamation of seeing and knowing the Self is indeed a multilayered task, but here we offer a place to begin … Be Willing.
To awaken to full knowledge of who and what you are, be willing to awake! Be willing to be wrong about your previous estimations. Question everything you think and have come to believe. Some may remain; but much will fall away.
Be willing to give up your ‘sacred cows’. Be willing to see and allow. Go within and ask, “what do I know?” Be willing to know and then to act on your new understanding.
… a turning right-side-up after millennia of inversion.
Expect your world to be turned askew. This more accurate seeing is a turning right-side-up after millennia of inversion. As we have said before, nothing is as it appears. And while this may be quite jarring to realize, it is in fact salvific. For within this realization lies your freedom and power.
As with all things, your way will be eased if you are respectful and benevolent in your treatment of self and others. We are with you always.
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Calibrating to the Excitement of Spirit ~ July 2020
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Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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