A Fire that Awakens the World in Love
Photo by Eyasu Etsub on Unsplash / South Africa
Cheryl: I awoke this morning with a sense of increasingly accelerating chaotic energy on every level (coupled with a splitting headache!). I entered the Records wondering how best to be with these heightened energies – within myself, as well as for those who read this blog post.
The Guides responded vigorously ~
Guides: As things become more intense on the earth plane, we encourage you to keep your mind and heart open. Many of your sacred texts repeatedly urge you to ‘fear not’. This is with good reason. You can keep neither heart nor mind open if fear is occupying a place at your table. While it may be challenging to accomplish, it is quite possible. Noting fear arise – and inviting it to dinner – are two different matters.
Know yourself to be rooted in this Originating Energy of Love.
Stay grounded, rooted deeply in Love, which is the Authentic Energy and Giver of Life. From this Love streams all True Creation. Though you can never truly be cut off from Love, the extent to which you feel cut off from it can cause you to wobble. Know yourself to be rooted in this Originating Energy of Love. This frequency will quickly re-stablize you and enable you to act in authentically loving ways in relationship to yourself and others.
You may be tempted to think that this is wishful thinking given the crucible you face, but Love is the most powerful force in Creation. And as we have said before, the human heart is the single most powerful source of transformative power in the universe. Why? you might ask. Because it is designed to bring that powerful universal force of Love into material reality! And so we say, guard your heart’s door with vigilance, Beloveds.
Be who you truly are - Sparks of the Eternal Flame …
Discern carefully what is true and loving and be not deceived by sleight of hand and manipulations of thought and emotion. Be willing to see through the deceptions in your world. Be who you truly are – Sparks of the Eternal Flame capable of igniting the world in Love.
The times you are living through will become increasingly challenging, but fear not. You have all that you need to navigate through the shoals, for you ARE all that you need. You are navigating the ship and you are doing so well. Fan the embers within your heart and dare to choose Love.
Dig deep within yourself to remember your birthright.
Dig deep within yourself to remember your birthright. Remember who you are and what great gifts and abilities you possess. As you courageously bring these forth, the New Earth is formed as the Old World collapses.
Again, we urge you to embrace who you are … the very fire that ignites the world in Love.
We are ever available, Dear Ones. Be at peace.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
Being in Your Right Mind Requires Entering Your Heart ~ September 2019
In the Fullest Vibration of Love ~ February 2021
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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