Let Love Reveal to You, Your Next Step
Photo by Andrew Shelley on Unsplash / Charleston, South Carolina US
Cheryl: Beloved Guides ~ I hear common refrains from folks coming for readings these days in questions like these: ‘What am I to do in such confusing, unstable times?’, ‘How do I discern what is true?’, and ‘How best can I serve at this time?’. They view the world with concern, fear, and overwhelm – now and toward the future – for themselves, their loved ones, and humanity.
I feel my own frustration witnessing blatant attacks upon human life and dignity. Curiosity and inquiry seem in short supply! Ridicule and hatred are openly promoted. We gravitate toward conflict and splintering, encouraged by social and news media. How will we move from an agenda of divide and conquer to discovering our birthright – the sovereignty of our true humanity?
Please share with this community of readers a message of words and vibration supporting their journey through this still-new year.
Guides: Be still, Beloved One and know the truth. (Deep breath)
If you allow yourself to become filled with hatred – and tempted to promote division – then you must examine deeply what motivates you. Is it fear? Is it revenge? Is it an effort to protect your tender heart from further disappointment by shutting out another, or from witnessing on-going inhumane actions and their effects? You must first be honest with yourself.
Firm certainty need not be fueled by hatred.
Do not mistake passion to see a new world manifest with hatred of another … even your so-called enemy. Setting a boundary – saying ‘NO’ to what you know is not right and causes harm – is in alignment with your True Nature. But it matters greatly what is in your heart, Beloveds. Firm certainty need not be fueled by hatred. Such energy (hatred) is antithetical to the new that is coming, and is the very thing corroding the current structures. Desire not to bring this into your new world, for it will be, as you say, ‘same old same old’.
Ground yourself in your True Nature which is Love and clarity will reign within.
Pluck the weeds of hatred, fear, and revenge from your hearts with compassion and you will see an oak standing therein – Strong, Majestic, and Enduring. Such emotions may be felt, but to allow them to rule your heart is not in alignment with your True Nature. They will arise yet they offer you the rich opportunity to command your mind and heart in sovereignty. Ground yourself in your True Nature which is Love, and clarity will reign within.
You are a Sovereign Being of Love and Light. The challenge of being such in a human body is not missed by us. We understand the magnitude and complexity of this challenge and hold you, each of you, in the highest regard. Never doubt this is so.
… you carry within you a primal knowing of the right thing to do.
There are many timelines before you. Choose carefully, wisely, and courageously. We urge you not to shrink from the difficult task of discerning true from false and remind you that you carry within you a primal knowing of the right thing to do. Let your deeper knowing guide you in the path and actions that are right for you.
There are individual choices and collective choices; collective choices being the aggregate of individual choices. If you allow your individual choices to be purified by Love, its power will be exponentially magnified within the collective.
Stay focused on what you desire and know to be True.
Though it may appear that fear and the forces behind it are more powerful, Pure Love casts out fear and all that is false and out of alignment with Love’s higher vibration. This is what is now occurring in your outer world. The Love within you is flushing out all that is not in alignment in your world. Stay focused on what you desire and know to be True.
You are in the midst of a great spiritual battle. Some would say that conflict is between Good and Evil, some would say between Man and Machine, still others that it is between Compassion (or Generosity) and Greed. It matters little how you prefer to frame it mentally or your choice of words. Keep your eye upon the Light Within and discern with your Heart the quality of energy behind all words and actions.
… it is your task to discern with your Heart what is truly so.
We have said before that all is not as it appears – nothing in your world is – and that it is your task to discern with your Heart what is truly so. We encourage you to step into your own knowing, no matter how frightening, confounding, or disorienting it may be initially. Carry and transmit the full voltage of your Light by seeing clearly what is and what is not in alignment energetically.
You can navigate the shoals, but you must know that you have an accurate compass – your own internal compass consisting of your inner guidance un-effected by external interference or distortion. Seek the stillness within and listen deeply. Let Love reveal to you, your next step.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
Discernment of the Heart - November 2020
Discernment in Extraordinary Times - May 2020
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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