The Magnitude of Your Dreaming
Photo by Lucie Dawson on Unsplash | Teahupo'o, French Polynesia
Cheryl: We are nearing the end of our calendar year. The volume and pitch of dissent and discord on the earth seems ever amplifying; even the factions are turning against themselves. Often I find it more challenging to come home to myself, to shift my attention inward, and to renew. Many folks have expressed similar quandaries. Would you please share considerations and guidance as we conclude 2022 and transition into a new year? We could all benefit from your insight, love, and humor.
Guides: You serve yourself and others best by being a good steward of your own energies. This is where your power lies.
Be mindful of where you place your focus. If outside of yourself, you will experience it a great challenge to stay balanced and within the integrity of your own energy center. There is much chaos bidding for your attention and energy. Invest it not there.
Bring yourself back to your own consciousness. Not your self-consciousness, but rather the consciousness that you are. It is within this field that you will experience a peaceful knowing that all is well, in spite of the great calamity in the exterior world.
Bring your awareness to the energy of Love that exists in all ...
While bringing your awareness back to your True Self may be challenging, the pathways to doing so are simple. Sit or stand upon the earth. Breathe. Focus within upon your Heart. Open. Bring your awareness to the energy of Love that exists in all, flowing in and out.
Cheryl: Yes, but you cannot really expect us to succeed at turning our attention away from the chaos that daily increases!
Guides: You may do as you wish, Beloveds.
Your world, and all its inhabitants, are in labor - bringing into being a new world.
We only speak to you of what you are able to do, what is - in fact - your natural state, and what would serve you best as your world births itself anew. Your world, and all its inhabitants, are in labor - bringing into being a new world. Such a process is neither easy nor tidy. It is always a glorious mess … and a shining accomplishment. And through this accomplishment, you will all be made new. This is why you have come.
You are throwing off what is no longer working and what is out of alignment with what is True - which is Love. As we have said before, this is happening both individually and collectively.
Your minds want ever to go to the place of figuring it all out. You think this mental activity will make the passage smoother!
But listening to the wisdom of what your consciousness already knows about navigating such transitions would serve you more effectively. It will soothe much for the finite self, which experiences such challenges.
All that is supports you in this.
The level of difficulty is not missed on us. We are quite aware of what it takes to drop the attachments to who you think you are and what you believe you must possess - and then, to step into the largess and power of your True Self. By ‘True Self’, here we mean the Consciousness that you are. All that is supports you in this. All that you need is within you; there is no lack.
Everything that is dropping away is doing so because you all have desired something of a higher order. Rejoice in this Master’s level challenge, for it indicates the magnitude of your dreaming and your preparedness.
You have prepared for this for aeons.
You have prepared for this for aeons. You lack nothing needed, including your abilities to discern clearly and to cooperate with others. Look within to access the gifts and abilities you need at this time.
As you acknowledge the ending of one year, allow what is false to fall away.
As you enter this new year and pass through the gateway into another phase of living, ask yourself:
✦ Who am I truly?
✦ What am I to offer today?
Rooting yourself daily in these two questions will bear much fruit for the coming year.
Cheryl: The second question is one I know folks can relate with … but I’m not at all sure about the first. How is the first question helpful, Guides? I recognize it is very koan-like - but I must tell you that I can hardly imagine the majority of us contemplating a koan at this moment on earth. We are not in a monastery. Many are immersed in clamor, demise, and disintegration. We are in the chaos and stretched to our limits.
Guides: Call it what you will, Dear One, but the first question will serve the purpose of reminding you that you are not what you think, or what you experience, or what you achieve, or what group you do or do not belong to, or what you do or do not possess.
‘Who am I truly?’ is an invitation to be very still and to allow these to drop away.
Asking this question will also keep you from falling asleep again. Out of this wakeful remembering, the answer to the second question will make itself known.
You each possess mastery uniquely yours. May you be blessed by the claiming of it in this transitional time.
As always, we are ever present and available, Dear Ones. Know that we hold each of you with much love and tenderness.
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Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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