The Fiery Power of Your True Identity
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash | Big Sur, California US
Cheryl: Ever have nights when you just can’t fall asleep? Or wake in the morning from a seemingly sound sleep, feeling curiously exhausted? I do, sometimes. And more so in recent weeks.
I’ve noticed that these moments are when I seem particularly susceptible to self-incriminating thoughts running around in my head and gnarly feelings welling up in my body. Thoughts enumerating all the ways I’ve failed to measure up, gloomy and despondent feelings. Unchecked, they roll full steam ahead.
When I discover being in the midst of these moments, I wonder, “Of the countless thoughts and feelings that could be arising right now … why these? And why now?” When sharing these observations with other folks in my life recently, they’ve revealed similar experiences.
As I do each full moon, I entered the Records today on behalf of the community who read these words. With these musings, the lunar eclipse, and the mid-term elections on my mind and in my heart, the Guides began speaking immediately…
Akashic Guides: Beloved Ones, you are entering a dark and difficult passage; passing through an eclipsed doorway into a new realm. The old is collapsing, but do not be afraid or distracted. Collapse always precedes rebirth; such is the way of your world.
… but first at hand is the inner work.
What has been constructed in falsehood and harm (within and without) must be seen clearly, faced, and rectified. There is much work to be done on the material plane in your world, but first at hand is the inner work. This is what plagues you most and robs you of the inner resources needed to move forward with confidence.
We speak here of the inner voices that are not yours repeating old beliefs that somehow you are lacking, somehow a failure, not good enough; the thinking that you have somehow done it all wrong, have not done enough, and it is too late to remedy, so why bother.
No, this is not true. None of it is true.
These thoughts are arising for release.
You cannot take misperceptions with you into the new creation you are dreaming into being. They are not authentic to you. They do not represent the Truth of your Being, nor the purity of what you are bringing into form.
… would you bring your prisons with you?
Truly … would you wish to litter with trash your newly created Garden from the start, and would you bring your prisons with you?
The belief that there is something inherently wrong, erroneous, damaged with your being is what has kept you enslaved and disempowered. It prevents you from holding yourself and others accountable for choices and structures in your world that are life-denying. In addition, this disempowering belief has truncated your ability to create together in Love.
Hold fast to your Light and let it shine out unencumbered.
Step into the fiery power of your True Identity and be free of the past. Hold fast to your Light and let it shine out unencumbered. Choose your actions from Love, which can bear the fullness of what is true.
To make this passage safely, the truth must be seen as to where, when, and how you have been in (or out) of alignment with Love. This will guide rightly the new structures you choose collectively in your new world.
These times you are traversing are messy, to say the least, Dear Ones. All is not as it appears.
Be brave and do not abandon what you know is True.
Discern unflinchingly with a clear heart and mind. Be brave and do not abandon what you know is True. Only then can you see what is true about your world.
These voices of condemnation are not the voices which will bring you into maturity. They are the voices of another … and have kept you estranged and contained. They are voices from the past you are leaving. See them for what they are … words to ensnare and confuse you. Give them no more of your power. Leave them at the door of this passage and choose your freedom individually and collectively.
Use your innate connection and common humanity and help one another.
We urge you to remain calm during this turbulent time. Use your innate connection and common humanity and help one another. Say No to what seeks to enslave your true spirit and Yes to what brings you into full accountability and shared responsibility.
We are present with you, always.
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Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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