Your Heart Can Bear The Whole Truth of Your World
Photo by cyrus gomez on Unsplash | Barcelona, Spain
Each month as the Full Moon nears, I enter the Akashic Records to invite guidance for the community of people who receive my monthly newsletter, and for those who read these blog posts. Here is this month’s conversation with the Akashic Guides ~
Cheryl: Numerous folks within this community of readers speak of an intermingling of energies and emotions – balanced and clear at times, then greatly disturbed and chaotic – in relation to concerns in our personal lives and the wider world. It feels like an extreme rollercoaster ride, emotionally and energetically! What would you want us to know as we navigate the next few months?
Akashic Guides: Yes indeed, what is unfolding can be – in your words – extreme, and yet it is very natural.
It is the death rattle of an era, though you may experience it as a death ‘roll’, feeling yourself in the clutch of the alligator’s jaws, in fear of drowning.
You are firmly gripped in this age, but you are not victim to it. Far from it. You have powers and abilities to rise-above and engage-with it in freedom, to create anew. Parallel with endings are the seeds and very beginnings of new creations being born. Seek these out. Allow them to encourage you, and to arise from within you.
You are the Light, the Love, the Peace you wish to see in the world, though your radiance has been shrouded and manipulated by other energies.
In your innocence you have not wished to see the energy contrary to Love, but you must see it clearly in order to reclaim your true essence, power, and ability to create the new.
Have the courage to perceive clearly and act accordingly.
Do not be afraid to see and name the shadow consciousness in your world which presents falsehoods as truth and parades harm as help. This anti-life presence turns ‘what is so’ upside-down, and blames you for being of little faith, for daring to question. This is not a matter of the mind; it is a matter of the heart discerning rightly. Have the courage to perceive clearly and act accordingly.
… your heart can bear the whole truth of your world.
Many of you will be disquieted by this message, but be of good cheer. The scales are lifting from your eyes and hearts. When ‘light dawns’, the eyes smart and the heart can be broken. You may doubt, but … yes, your heart can bear the whole truth of your world. By doing so, you will find your role in creating the New Earth in alignment with what is True and Loving, in harmony with Nature.
Only you can determine what action is right for you …
You are Spiritual Warriors, Warriors of Love and Peace. These are not contradictory terms. On the contrary, these times require courage and fortitude to take necessary actions individually and collectively. Only you can determine what action is right for you, in alignment with the fulfillment of your soul’s purpose.
We encourage you to focus on what is being created that is in alignment with the highest and best values. This is quite different from focusing on opinions, in which you are spurred to lock horns!
If you engage in pointing fingers and argue about opinions, you will be distracted from what is most important. You can be on the same page regarding values and concrete local actions which benefit human beings, while having great differences of opinion.
Stay grounded in your body and listen to its wisdom.
We urge you to be clear within yourself about what is most important and vital for supporting human life and well-being and to discern the truth through the knowing of your body. Stay grounded in your body and listen to its wisdom. This instinctive technology of the human body is far less compromised than the apparatus of the brain and can guide you more clearly and accurately through this rocky period.
The future is bright, not because the path is smooth, but because you will make it so for one another as each of you finds your way to courageous, authentic expression.
We are ever near and available, Dear Ones.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
In Alignment with Humanity’s True Nature ~ May 2022
Embody the New Earth You Desire ~ June 2021
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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