Dare to Drop What No Longer Serves You
Photo by Максим Степаненко on Unsplash | Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia
Each month as the Full Moon nears, I enter the Akashic Records to receive guidance for the community of people who receive my monthly newsletter, and for those who read these blog posts. Here is this month’s conversation with the Akashic Guides ~
Cheryl: Lately I notice feeling excited and energized, frustrated and irritable, anxious and afraid … concurrently, or alternately! Many folks share with me that they’re feeling various qualities of restlessness / unrest these days. Your thoughts for dwelling with these experiences?
Guides: Your physicality is recalibrating to match new energetics. It will even out a bit as you become more accustomed to the internal energies – and, as the energies at-large rest for the next stage.
Cheryl: Meaning there is more to come?
Guides: Yes, indeed. So be ready to ride the waves. Soothe yourselves deliberately and frequently, Dear Ones.
Cheryl: Say more, please.
Guides: The demands upon your physical incarnation are great at this time. Practicing compassion with yourself and your fellow journeyers will go a long way to easing the way for new things to come into being.
Understand that you need soothing at this time as never before.
Understand that you need soothing at this time as never before. We speak using this term ‘soothing’ – yet, we want to clarify that there are many ways you have learned to ‘soothe’ yourselves which are in fact not natural and contribute to your agitation and stress.
You know that we are not urging you to seek out these ways! In fact, we would urge you to question them. The various habits and addictions which have been promoted to separate you from knowing who you truly are, do not serve you. Here we speak both of substances and behaviors which diminish your vitality and essential fire.
Many of you have stepped away from engaging with these energies. Yet, the various addictions have become more subtle … and seductive. Indeed, some have come to be seen as very ‘natural and normal’, even essential.
Cheryl: I understand your reference to ‘substances’ (alcohol and other sense-altering / numbing agents, even food when so used). For clarification, when you say ‘behaviors’, to what are you referring?
… we mean here the habit of relying upon that technology for your perception …
Guides: For those of you living in more technologically-oriented cultures, we mean here the habit of relying upon that technology for your perception to understand your world; of going numb in its use, thus allowing technological tools to replace your own experience. This disconnects you from a more authentic perception and appreciation of the vast diversity in your created world.
We are also referring to calcified emotions and thoughts, such as fear, anxiety, and what you call ‘hatred’. These emotional and mental behaviors – when habitual – keep you focused away-from what is life giving and sustaining.
The habitual substance, behavior, thought, or way of seeing the world has become a substitute for that very connection you so deeply desire!
We urge each of you to assess for yourselves. Take the time to settle down. Go within and ask yourself:
- What interferes with my connection to my True Self?
- What inhibits my True Expression?
- Do I feel numbed or enlivened by this substance or action?
Be not distracted from coming home to yourself in joy.
We would encourage you to choose your Self rather than the trinkets and distractions which disempower you. Knowing who and what you are is empowering, enlivening, expanding. Be not distracted from coming home to yourself in joy.
Dare to drop what no longer serves you. Embrace the you that you are; the you whom you are discovering yourself to be.
Follow your heart’s leading. It is always speaking to you.
If you wish to know where you are going, step away from the way you have been artificially disconnected from the Self. Follow your heart’s leading. It is always speaking to you. Quiet the mental chatter and dare to listen.
Clear your mind. Clear your calendar. Clear your habitual behaviors. This is the path to your freedom and well-being; the joy and peace you so desire.
You are like the mighty bull easily lead around by a ring in its nose. We do not say this to be disrespectful to you, Beloveds. But rather to help you to be aware of the power within you awaiting expression. As well, so you may see the ways in which you are led away from knowing and expressing your beautiful essence.
Your irritability and frustration at this time bear witness to your own discomfort with containing your powerful essence. It is a sign you are reaching your limits with such containment.
Be assured that you are always loved and never alone.
Soothe yourselves and each other with authentic caring, resting, and expression. Stay vigilant with your words at this time. Practice kindness always, both with yourself and others. This will grease the tracks and smooth the transition to your new way of being.
Know that you are loved. Be assured that you are always loved and never alone.
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The World Your Heart Desires ~ January 2022
In Alignment with Humanity’s True Nature ~ May 2022
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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