In the Key of Love, Generosity, and Cooperation
Cheryl: Beloved Akashic Guides, recently I have been drawn to go through my belongings, once again releasing many items. As well, I am finding long-cherished identities and beliefs about myself and the world dropping away. Several people I have spoken with lately are experiencing a similar letting-go.
What is this about? Is there guidance you can offer as we go through this process?
Guides: Oh yes, Dear Ones, we would like to offer much encouragement to lean into this process with joy and, if we may say, abandon! Enjoy this process of lightening your physical, psychological, and conceptual load.
What you have carried around believing essential has become a great weight; a burden which is preventing you from moving forward with ease. You actually need very little as you move forward.
… it will return to you renewed.
We are not saying here to jettison everything without turning it over and contemplating it. Doing so can honor its service to you. Yet, there may be items and concepts that you are so ready to release there is hardly a pause … and this is good. The speed might even surprise you. Do not second guess yourself. If you are in need of it – or a similar energy – it will return to you renewed.
Cheryl: Yes, but there are some very real challenges at this time with supply chain issues and potential food shortages. How are we to think of these things as we sort through our belongings? How do we prepare in light of such uncertainties?
True prudence is not fed by fear …
Guides: We urge you to be prudent, Beloveds, but you do not need to plan or proceed in fear. True prudence is not fed by fear; it is fueled by level-headed and clear-eyed assessment. Of course there are basic needs that you would do well to attend to promptly. But the spirit in which you hold your awareness and preparation and the clear discernment of what is needed is the point here.
If you are entering the wilderness where medical care is unlikely to be available, it is prudent to be aware of this reality, and to journey equipped with appropriate medical supplies and skills to address emergencies should they arise.
Yet it is unreasonable to attempt to carry a complete operating room and surgical staff in your backpack. And how unpleasant the journey if this is your entire focus. This is where common sense, knowledge, and trust in your own guidance join together to assist you.
That said, the kind of clearing that you are engaged in has much more to do with things and concepts you are attached to or defined by and believe you need, but do not.
This is a great gestation period.
Very little is as you have conceived it. Most of you have yet to step into a full awareness of who and what you are. This is a great gestation period. It is appropriate and timely that you release what is not authentic or no longer useful to you.
Such stories you have that burden you! Whether these be about an object or yourself or your fellow travelers, see all though the eyes of love and abundance and you will feel your spirits lift to a higher, more natural vibratory chord.
Allow your culling to occur without shame. Do not engage with a spirit of fear, contraction, or judgement. This will sink your boat quickly. There are things – physical and conceptual – that will keep you afloat. These are good to hold onto. But construct your boat in the key of love, generosity, and cooperation.
Flow is the order of the day.
You are entering a new phase of creating your collective future. It is arising within you naturally. It would serve you best to allow the movement which is natural rather than clutching to what you have known and how you have defined yourself and your world. Flow is the order of the day.
Lift your eyes and see clearly the goodness that abounds in the midst of strife. Only you can define your reality. This is a new level of mastery which you are invited into continually. The releasing of your attachments in all forms is a crucial foundation to this ability to perceive goodness.
… your wings expand with each layer that dissolves away.
Embrace this release with joy and it will proceed smoothly. Laughing as you release more and more, your wings expand with each layer that dissolves away.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
Release What is Falling Away ~ May 2021
The Power of Choosing ~ February 2020
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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