The Bedrock of Your Heart
Each month as the Full Moon nears, I enter the Akashic Records to receive guidance for the community of people who receive my monthly newsletter, and for those who read these blog posts.
When I am feeling unclear within myself, I begin with personal questions to ‘clear the pipes’, to open the channel before asking a question on behalf of the community.
This month, when I led with personal questions (which echoed the concerns of folks coming for readings), I soon realized that the responses offered by the Akashic Guides were not for me alone.
Below is a portion of the chat we had. I offer it to you in hopes that it will nourish, uplift, and support you through these times.
Many Blessings to each and every one of you,
Cheryl: First, I have a personal question: What am I really doing here? What purpose am I to serve in these insane times? I feel so adrift.
Guides: You are to serve this purpose – to be a witness. To speak the truth that you know and to be a light unto the path for others.
Cheryl: But I do not know what the truth is anymore – there have been so many lies presented as truth. How can I shine a light when I feel so in the dark at times myself?
It is the light of your heart that you are to shine.
Guides: It is not the light of the mind and thoughts, Beloved. The so-called truths of your world are ever changing. It is the light of your heart that you are to shine.
Cheryl: But this, too, seems clouded to me. I feel such anger and confusion.
Guides: This confusion is in your mind – which then clouds what you think is the feeling of your heart. We are not speaking here of the emotions. We are speaking of the bedrock of your heart. What is, in a manner of speaking, ‘solid’; not what flows about and changes in response to externals. Of course, to speak of this as ‘solid’ is not 100% accurate, for your heart is energy primarily, but we are trying to find words which will give you the feel of what we are addressing here.
What is True and ‘solid’ about your heart, is Love.
What is True and ‘solid’ about your heart, is Love. It is neither diluted nor changeable. It is constant and True. You know this Love as Source. Eternal and fixed in one way, but quite alive and moving on the other. You see, you can only think in these either/or ways as your language is so very limited when it comes to Reality. But both exist simultaneously and in the same location. Time and space, they – the fixed and the flowing – occupy together.
Love IS … is eternal … yet its form and expression changes.
You see, when you speak of Truth, you think of it as a fixed solid point. It absolutely is not … though it is ‘solid’ in that there are aspects of it which do not change. Love IS … is eternal … yet its form and expression changes. You so want to ‘nail it down’ with your mind … a fruitless endeavor indeed. It is only known truly in and through the heart.
✷ Who do you choose to be?
✷ What kind of human being do you know yourself to be?
✷ And how do you choose to serve?
These are questions only you can answer. There are many who wish to confuse you in the outer world. This is why we continually point you back to your own heart and the guidance you will find there.
When you try to please another or ‘fit in’ in certain ways, you rapidly lose your way …
When you try to please another or ‘fit in’ in certain ways, you rapidly lose your way (though it may appear you are finding your way). The more detached you are from your heart, the more confused you will become – in spite of your ‘certainty’ that you are right.
… we are not a replacement for your own soulful guidance …
Seek your own inner guidance. You seek us out, and while we can offer much by way of helping you to realign in authenticity, we are not a replacement for your own soulful guidance … unless you can fully accept that we are you!
Cheryl: I just feel so tired. And I feel useless in this time of personal and global transformation.
Guides: If you are tired, then rest, Dear One. There are no extra points for suffering or pushing your body beyond its limits. Your body has endured much and is moving to recalibrate at an accelerated pace. It is little surprise that you feel weary. Rest and then pick up the next thing. Trust your body is capable and resilient. Rest now, and return when you are able.
(At this point I took a break, then returned with further personal questions and asked about how to manage fatigue.)
What will serve you here is to go within – sit and just ask your heart …
Guides: Part of what fatigues you with this is trying to figure it all out with your mind. There is too much to sort out – too many things falling apart – and it is all upside down. What will serve you here is to go within. Sit, and just ask your heart: Are you happy? Do you feel fulfilled … in this moment? Not “will I be happy?” or “can I be happy?” or “when will I be happy?”. Rather ask, “AM I?”
If not, then move in that direction. Touch something that makes you smile, allows you to relax. Let it be that simple. We urge you to seek joy without delay. Do not postpone. It is that important to your health and well-being. As we have said before, choosing joy is one of the most radical acts of these times.
Cheryl: I still do not understand what this has to do with my original questions about what I am doing here and my purpose, how I am to serve - ?
Guides: You serve by being. Being calm, being light, being joy. These are not easy in the times before you, but this is your service.
Cheryl: Isn’t being just … being? For me, be-ing is qualitatively different from ‘being calm’ or being anything else.
Guides: Yes, we have given this to you in shorthand; let us fill it out more fully for you. In just being, you allow all to flow through you, being fully present to your experience. All flows through and out so that the true essence may arise. What is left is calm, is joy. For these are what you are most authentically. Though your wavering human experience may not line up with this, it is who you are in your pure essence.
You are your gift to the world in whatever state you are in.
Yet remember, Love is not always soft and gentle; at times it may be fiery and cut like the sword of Truth. You are your gift to the world in whatever state you are in. But these are the purest expressions of Truth within you, dependent not upon externals.
Cheryl: But this feels like doing nothing!
Guides: No – being calm, being light, being joy – they are ‘doing’ a lot – just not in the ways you are so used to! This is the breaking of the pattern of work and activity you have carried. Work, so as to bring you pleasure; push not through it!
With that, we would say that there is great value in hard work, but not when it is wedded to your sense of value. These have little to do with one another.
Do not be afraid of hard work; seek it and find the pleasure in it, relish it, but do not equate it with your worthiness. Your value is given. There is nothing you can do to earn it. Thinking otherwise, is in error and brings great suffering.
Work, effort, is to be enjoyed like so many things – yet you lose your way if you think it will make you more or less worthy than another, or gain you something of value that you do not already possess.
Cheryl: So where is this taking us?
Guides: Hopefully to clarity for you, Dear One. You have always been one who goes against the tide, listening to the beat of your own drum, and also being afraid of being targeted. Now is no different.
So be at peace and offer what you have spent your life revealing – Love.
There are those who urge you to be afraid, to dread the coming world events, to fret over your role and purpose in these times. Yet you know in your heart, fear is never the way to go. So be at peace and offer what you have spent your life revealing – Love.
Be in your fully human self with all its messiness and sharp edges and be what you are most authentically – Love. Choose this and you will be at peace. Even in the midst of calamity.
Related blog posts you might wish to explore:
Joy is Perhaps the Most Radical of Acts ~ January 2021
Finding Balance in Destabilizing Times ~ October 2019
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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