You Will Ring Clear as a Bell
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash | Bhaktapur Kathmandu Nepal
Cheryl: As I do each month when the Full Moon nears, I entered the Akashic Records to receive guidance for the community of people who receive my monthly newsletter, and for those who read these blog posts.
For days, multiple questions had been brewing within me just below the surface. Before I could formulate (what I thought would be) a juicy question for this month, the following words and energies came tumbling out in a flow.
May this conversation with the Akashic Guides be of encouragement to you, and to us all.
Guides: Your world is changing rapidly. The structures of your perceptual reality are morphing into evermore compromised forms as they reach their natural end. This is not to frighten you, but to encourage you to look not outside yourself for stability.
Follow your own guidance based deep within your body. Look within to your instinctual, innate knowing, for you carry your answers there. This is not a mental process. This is an embodied ‘heart’ knowing, yet not of a sentimental nature (as you might think). It is grounded, earthy, and practical. It will guide you rightly.
Be courageously aware in your seeing.
Be not dismayed by any of the challenges and changes coming. All things manifest have their natural cycles. All things. What has come into form must fall away to give way to the new. Be not in denial of the unfolding events. Be courageously aware in your seeing. And … put your attention not on what is falling away, but upon what is arising. Much is arising! Indeed, we would say much IS already because of your desiring and knowing.
Be the dreamers and architects of the reality which you desire.
You are the dreamers of what is to come … and, in fact … what is already present with and within you. Be the dreamers and architects of the reality which you desire. It is already firmly rooted. It is not what some would call a ‘pipe dream’. Open your eyes to see its presence already among you. Focus clearly.
Cheryl: How is this any different from what you have said before - ?
Guides: It is not. Yet we must repeat this in a new way so that you may fully grasp the fundamental building blocks of form and frequency. These are the foundation upon which the creation of the New Earth is secured and are sorely missing from your current creations.
Be clear within your own being and stand in alignment with your higher values. Your higher values are what is natural to you … this is what your true nature is. These higher values and frequencies are what you purely are, without interference or manipulation.
And your ringing will inspire others to do the same …
When you remember what is of high value, the details (which others have convinced you are so important) matter little. With such inner alignment, you will ring clear as a bell. And your ringing will inspire others to do the same, much as the vibration of one tuning fork will excite another to vibrate in accord.
It is in this way that you will tack into the prevailing winds – which seem so against you and impossible to overcome – to steer your boat to its destination. Your compass here, which will guide you rightly, is an inner vibration of who and what you truly are.
Wishful thinking and hope are not the same.
These are universal laws, not wishful thinking. Wishful thinking and hope are not the same. Wishful thinking is much like denial in that it desires what is currently manifested to be different. Hope is much closer to certainty in that it knows what truly is – even in the face of current ‘facts’ – which has not yet fully materialized. Hope sees and knows what truly is in nascent form and holds the space (and we would say frequency) for it to come fully into manifestation.
You each have lived the challenges of this time before, and know the terrain and choices before you. Remember this, and you will find the peace you desire in the midst of the chaos.
So, we would say again, be attentive to focus and frequency. This will help to stabilize the wobble you feel so keenly at this time.
Cheryl [cognizant of how agitated and ‘off’ I have felt these past few weeks]: Well, clearly, I am not spending enough time with you in the Records.
Guides: That would be your judgement, Dear One, not ours. We are always delighted for your company when you consciously join with us. Your frequency is delightful though you may feel gnarly and less than comfortable. Only this superficial layer is disturbed.
Go within frequently and feel that inner, bedrock pulsation.
Take comfort in knowing you are attending to the deeper work, which is not an easy or smooth process. Go within frequently and feel that inner, bedrock pulsation.
As always, we leave you with great love and appreciation for your tender courage.
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Do you feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records? If so, I am delighted to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~