Finding Balance in Destabilizing Times
Photo by Benedikt Geyer on Unsplash
Cheryl: Recently, I returned to my Akashic Records for further consideration of last month’s blog topic. I asked:
Akashic Guides, I notice that so much is shifting so very rapidly. Nothing feels stable. Most everyone seems to be on edge, including myself. How can I (and we) stay grounded, alert, and loving in such an unpredictable time?
Before their words come to me, I see an image:
It is a human figure standing with feet firmly planted on the ground – perpendicular – in a wide stance, knees slightly bent. Arms are outstretched to each side, bent 90 degrees at the elbow, palms forward, fingers pointed skyward. I would describe it as a pose of power, courage, and vulnerability. The heart is open and exposed.
The figure has a deep, strong connection to the earth. I am being shown a column of energy rising from the earth, entering the body through the root chakra – and also descending from the heavens through the crown chakra. These two energetic streams meet in the heart, and emanate out into the world from that chamber as a brilliant light.
I ask: Akashic Guides, how might I understand the meaning of this image, which you offered in response to my inquiry?
Guides: You do not have to understand this image fully with your intellect, but you must understand the energetics of it. This stance energetically will allow all energies to move through you rather than destabilizing you. Like the waves of the ocean buffet the swimmer who stops and grounds her feet upon the ocean floor, one learns to reposition ones stance depending upon the direction the waves are coming from.
Truly there is nothing to fear in this time. All is well – and will be – though it is tumultuous. There is much that is passing away. And this is a good thing, because its time is now complete. There is a new time beginning but you are in the middle of the transition. It is very messy. This is not missed on any of you, whether awake or asleep. You are born in this time and are alive to see these changes because you desired to be alive at this time, though you may doubt this frequently. There is no mistake that you are alive in this age.
Ground yourselves in the energies of the earth and dare to open your heart to the many changes that are happening. Embrace your own struggles, discomforts, and outright suffering to understand how it is that you can move through these times. Be attached to nothing. Nothing. There is nothing that is sacred that humans have created in a separated state, alienated from the true Self. Understand this and you will understand what Evolution’s gifts bring to you.
Constructions of your mind about who you are need to fall away in order for you to understand again, to remember again, to embrace again, who you truly are. You become quite attached to the roles that you play (and fulfill quite well in many cases!). But this is not who you truly are, and you know this on some deep level within you.
You become quite confused when you begin to believe that the suffering, that the pain of living in a body, defines who you are. You are far more magnificent than these experiences. They shape and inform you but they do not define you.
We are not dismissing the difficulties of being in the body and traveling through time on the earth in this current age. We are simply pointing out a source of succor that is available to you. When you recognize your true identity as Soul you become less burdened and undone by what you experience.
The story that you tell about your conflicts and your pain and suffering makes all the difference between it being an experience that you can bear-up under and move through, and your suffering ‘to the point of insanity’ (as you say). Reach for Joy.
As we have said before, to be in your right mind, be in your heart and understand – perceive from this place – your identity, and the contribution that you are making in these times. Your contribution is not to be as it has been, even if your actions on the outside appear to be the same to those around you. Understand that your purpose in doing what-you-do-in-the-world is changing dramatically. Be in alignment with this changing purpose in being and you will find ease and comfort through the challenges that are coming.
Stay out of fear. This is crucial. Change has always been the natural course of things; to think otherwise is only folly. Embrace change as it is your best friend. Be of good cheer. For, as we have said, you have chosen this time to be alive and contributing to the change. The more you focus on your True Essence as Soul – which never dies – the more you will release the fear.
Many feel their Soul lost, but we say to you: This is absolutely not possible, though you may feel you have lost connection with it (this is more the truth of the matter).
Understand, your feelings inform you – but when they are driven by fear and a sense of disconnection, they are skewed and inaccurate.
Rather then, the truth know with your heart (which is not deceived either by your mind and it’s busy thinking, nor by the fluctuating emotions driven by the chemistry of your body!).
We Love you. You are loved beyond measure.
This is the truth: You exist through eternity.
This is the truth: You have chosen as a soul to be here.
This is the truth: You in your individuality have come to offer something to the greater whole in this time and place.
Take your concerns and fears and worries to the wise one who dwells within you. There you will find the comfort you believe is absent.
We will not abandon you. There are many Light Beings who flank you, collectively and individually. Open to guidance and your courage will increase. Blessed be.
If you enjoyed this message of love, please know I post a blog entry each month! And the posts are included in my monthly newsletter, which you can sign-up for here ~
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.