Feeling stuck with old, outdated solutions which inadequately address current circumstances?
Cheryl: The pervasive turbulence of this past month is not lost on me. While current events on the world stage rage, I have been deep in a process of resolving and healing ancient wounds. As well, I am exploring and opening to greater spiritual access, thus coming to a deeper understanding of this human journey.
Recurring inner arguments about solutions to both our collective state and my personal concerns became wearying, so I took to The Records and asked the question, “How are we to understand and move beyond feeling stuck with old, outdated solutions which are inadequate to address our current circumstances?”
Guides: Yes, this is the problem. You have a confluence of issues creating tremendous suffering and keep insisting that you have answers, rather than stepping back and reconsidering the soup you are in. We have great compassion for humanity’s tendency to do this. How you wrestle with it! Yet you are confused by what will bring you a sense of safety and peace of mind.
Most of you think that your safety and peace of mind will come from feeling you have adequate solutions and are ‘on top of things’. Yet, surrendering into the recognition that you do not is the beginning of the peace you wish to find.
It is much like the proverbial square peg in the round hole. Your current understanding of things forces your solutions into a shape that just do not fit the true shape of the problems you face.
You see your situation through the “solution” you are so attached to rather than investigating with an open heart and mind in a spirit of humility. Only then can the truly healing solutions arise from your collective consciousness into your individual consciousness.
So many of you are insistent that you are “right” and the other is “wrong” that you miss your piece in keeping this dysfunction and lack-of-peace in place. You look to external circumstances and believe that if only they were to fall into place in a particular way, then this would bring you peace of mind, safety, and all things would be well.
Hear us clearly - we are not saying that external circumstances do not matter, or that they do not affect you. They do indeed, for there are conditions that are clearly healthier and more life sustaining. We are saying, rather, that your peace of mind and sense of safety comes from within … only through connection with your True Essence and bringing this into resonance with The Greater will you find the peace which is unshakable.
The forces of disruption are great at this time, and embracing your ability to connect with your True Self will serve and soothe your embodied humanness. There are many ways to attune yourself in this way. Go inside. Keep it simple; keep it authentic. From this a great balm will flow.
With this connection and balm, you will be able to see that you are not ever alone. Your seeing becomes clearer and you will be able to perceive rightly those around you in body who are, as you might say, members of your “Tribe” - as well as the multitude of spirits and guides surrounding you! Realities coexist, and the unseen is just as substantive as the physically seen. It simply requires you to shift and use your full range of senses to gain the perception.
It is quite the soup you are in. You cannot see the grand scheme of the unfolding that is underway from where you sit. But rest in the knowing that there is a great web of connection and we are all in it together. Be not deceived by appearances. Go within and know.
If you are interested in an Akashic Records reading to clarify what may be most useful to you now, please contact me! I so appreciate the opportunity to sit with you.
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