Being in Your Right Mind Requires Entering Your Heart
Cheryl: As many of us are navigating the energies of breakdown / breakthrough (more on this topic here) and feeling the impact of turbulent global events (directly or indirectly), I find myself wondering, How are we to stay sane and balanced in this era of transformation?
In this spirit, on behalf of all who are drawn to my work, I was moved to enter the Akashic Records as the basis for this month’s blog post. I entered the Records and asked the Akashic Guides: What words can you offer to support us through these times?
Guides: This is a time of great change and distraction. There are many vying for your attention and for your belief in their view of “reality” and world events. Yet to turn your attention to the outside only confuses and confounds you. Be not in denial of what is playing out on the outer stage, but understand it to be a play of distortion and manipulation. Go within to maintain your balance, and - as you say - your sanity.
The earth is in great travail. Systems are collapsing. But be assured that new forms are also arising, and can only do so as the old crumbles.
Do not be afraid of the changes that are happening. Yes, there is and will be suffering. Yet this will be lessened by reducing your resistance to the changes. Acceptance is not defeat, nor is it lack of caring. It is, instead, having a steady eye on what is truly true - and not being deceived by the lower nature and vibrations that can temporarily overwhelm you.
Focus your eye within and accept your true nature - not the distorted ideas given to you by society or family or even your religions. You know who you are. Do not be afraid of your power. Dare to shine your light which is both universal and unique. There is work for each of you to do which is not about doing - it is solely about being.
Do you dare to love in spite of - perhaps even because of - what has happened to you personally or globally which is unlovely? Be bold in your loving. We will say again, the human heart is the single most powerful source of transformative power in the universe. If you want your external world to be different, dare to step into the power of your heart to love.
To do this, you must be willing to release your cherished beliefs and judgements. Begin today. You have nothing to lose except that which enslaves you, and everything to gain. Find joy in the moment. Focus on what is truer. Love not only awaits you, it surrounds and is within you. Stop arguing against it, and you will shine and experience the peace you so desperately seek.
If this message resonates and you’re moved to have an Akashic Records reading, I am delighted to meet with you! Please contact me to schedule a reading ~
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