Frequency ~ Our Most Authentic, Universal Language
Photo by Illiya Vjestica on Unsplash | Yorkshire, UK
Cheryl: Guides, many are feeling quite challenged by these times, myself included. World affairs are a veritable stew of unrest. In daily affairs, it’s often tough to focus and harder still to soothe a jangled nervous system. The structure of time – as we have known it – seems to be evaporating!
I wish to clear out whatever may be in the way of opening a clear channel to perceiving today, and to formulate the question I am to bring for the community of people who will read this blog.
Guides: Formulate a question in your mind if you wish, but we are perceiving and responding to the frequency of your query. The query relates to self-care and engagement with others.
Cheryl: Yes, it does.
Guides: Part of the current human experience is a dis-integration of time as you have known it. It is like the sand that runs through the hourglass. It seems to speed up at the end … to be almost there … but then not quite … until it is.
We encourage you to keep your vision clear. You can feel it in your body. Go with that and do not worry about a ‘collapse of time’. Many are feeling the pressure of the shifts within the so-called timeline. Everything is changing rapidly. But remember, you are – to use your term – eternal.
Collectively you are nearing a restart.
What is false and no longer useful has not yet completely unraveled on the outer level. It will. There is, and will be, confusion and chaos.
Cheryl: We have felt this coming for a long time. How are we to manage this?
Guides: Stay calm and be resourceful. Discern constantly. The more you go within for your answers, the clearer your discernment will be. External sources of information are greatly compromised; we would caution you not to place unquestioning belief in them.
Always discern with your heart and trust your ‘gut’ knowing.
Often you override your own knowing which always gets you in trouble to one degree or another. You are never off when you truly listen and follow your own knowing. The more you clear out others’ voices, especially the ones you have taken in as your own, the more distinct your own true voice will become. So, clear them out and trust yourself first.
Be brave in your discernment. The true voice you hear may initially be disturbing to you. But ultimately it will lead you to peace as no other can. Here we do not speak of agreement or the absence of conflict. Peace cannot exist in the absence of intimacy. And with true intimacy, some degree of conflict may well be present.
How you navigate the conflict is up to you.
We suggest doing so with an attitude of interest, curiosity, and respect. For peace is also dependent upon truth-speaking. Censorship by any means brings more separation, conflict, and violence. Thus, it defeats the very cooperation that will be necessary to move forward together into new, more life-giving ways.
You need one another.
The great challenge before you is bringing forth the innate skills you possess to be in the midst of conflict and chaos while holding the vibration (the frequency, if you will) of peace. This requires respect for the other, as well as for yourself.
As for your desire for respite, Dear Ones – be in tune with nature more frequently. This will assist you in feeling more fully embodied, which brings you the rest you desire.
We understand that your various practices of being in silence are less-than-peaceful for many of you, at this time. Continue anyway, for this practice continues to function as a safety valve and assists you in staying fully present.
Cheryl: I am curious – tell us more about how it is you are able to perceive my question and concerns by way of frequency. How can frequency tell you what my question is if I am not yet aware of it?
Your frequency is your most authentic and universal ‘language’.
Guides: Your frequency is your most authentic and universal ‘language’. It is impossible for frequency to lie, nor can you hide your frequency. This is what is true. What you consider language and the gymnastics of the mind is an overlay; it is inferior to frequency. Your frequency is the original ‘language’. It is the original mechanism of communication. It is authentic.
This is why it has been said there will come a time (once again) when words will not be needed and all is known. You know how to do this. It is a part of your innate ability. You have just forgotten. This is how it once was and is now returning. Your intuition is but a glimmer of this.
You think in terms of ‘reading minds’ to discover what someone is thinking or to understand their intentions. Frequency is far more complex and nuanced than thought. And more accurate. It is an experience of the multi-dimensional Self. It is not something separate-from or added-onto the Self.
When you raise your frequency, it is not about ‘feeling good’. Rather, more an opening to, or an activation of, or expansion into the multi-dimensional self. Here we are not referring to the self-aware ‘you’ who inhabits a body, but to the You in which your awareness of self and body exist. You think of yourself as a dinghy tossed about upon a great ocean. Rather, you are the vast ocean enriched by that small boat’s experiences within it.
As you raise your frequency, it is pushing out what is lesser both within you and in the outer world.
Many of your current physical discomforts results from this. It is a very natural process. If you have a splinter in your flesh, the body will form pus to push the intrusion out of the depths onto the surface so that healing may proceed. Not very pretty, but necessary and quite natural.
We reiterate here for you – frequency is the original and fundamental mechanism by which humans communicate. Most have lost their conscious connection to this way of experiencing and understanding your world and each other. If you allow this to sink in, it will explain a lot about what is happening in your world and how to ‘manage’ what is unfolding.
The more you trust your knowing of this, the clearer you will be regarding who to trust, and what action to take. Inauthenticity and dishonesty will stick out like a sore thumb.
We are ever near, Dear Ones.
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Dare to Drop What No Longer Serves You ~ September 2022
Discernment in Extraordinary Times ~ May 2020
Connect with Cheryl
The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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