Dare to Love and Disagree
Photo by Katarzyna Pypla on Unsplash | Poland
Cheryl: Guides, I find myself cautious about asking this question, but here goes. The subject of inversion is in my heart and mind today. So many applications of this word! In grammar, mathematics, music, meteorology, chemistry, finance, genetics, anthropology, and more. My question here is broader.
In this era on earth, it has become common to see seemingly incontrovertible truths turned upside-down and inside-out, or inverted. Currently, inversion seems most apparent in the realms of medicine, biology, and culture.
This could provide opportunity for rich and fruitful exploration, curiosity, meaningful and forthright conversations, deep dives into differing vantage points, careful considerations about the outcomes and impacts of these inversions. But that’s not what is happening.
What I see is, inversions are introduced into the broader human culture in compelling ways via excellent marketing campaigns, then most folks pick a side (based upon limited information) and stay on it. Few questions asked. Little curiosity. Seemingly little interest in pausing to consider broader ramifications.
The result is, divide and conquer. We fight amongst ourselves instead of addressing the various ‘elephants in the room’ that are stunningly apparent to some but vigorously overlooked by many.
From your view, how might we regain a sense of curiosity in the face of these inversions? How might we overcome the inclination to pick sides and hold one another at arms’ length, while greater and greater harms take place without shared concern?
Guides: The dilemma begins in that both sides come, as you might say, ‘loaded for bear’. Let us start with a personal question: Are you willing to come unarmed?
Cheryl: Let me consider that … what would ‘coming unarmed’, in this case, look like?
Guides: Being willing to enter a dialogue with the possibility that what you thought or believed as true or accurate may have been flawed, or even outright wrong.
Cheryl: OK ...
Guides: It means giving up the backdrop-stories of intentions behind any event or opinioned position, and going with your own discernment. Trusting your own gut-knowing without the stories, arguments or justifications of either side. Is there a truth, or is there a falsehood, or faulty reasoning on either side? Better said, where is there truth and faulty reasoning on each side?
In cases with such passionate stances that insist they are wholly right and the other wholly wrong there are always leaps, assumptions, and a glossing over that takes place … by both sides.
This is the danger in emotional reactivity causing one to fail to see the humanity of the other: that one will stray from topical matter into an attack on the person, rather than presenting the arguments for or against a position, possibly agreeing to disagree, and coming to agreement about how each can live in peace with the other.
No matter how well-based in fact or reality an opinion, if engagement with someone who thinks differently is fueled by hatred or with the goal of control or humiliation or an attempt to elevate the self by viewing another as less-than, it is destined to be destructive. If you can be convinced that another human being is beneath you, you have given your power away to another force other than Love.
Instinctively, many want to avoid these kinds of conflicts, so they avoid any discussion. But avoidance is not the answer, for to avoid is destructive in and of itself and will most often led to the proverbial powder keg explosion.
Such conversations require the human to summon great patience and a willingness to listen without judgement. Judgement being different from discernment, in that discernment requires listening deeply with an open heart and mind. These situations are the proving grounds for your spiritual abilities – discernment of truth, strength of character, principled action, and greatness of heart.
But be realistic and compassionate with yourselves and one another. These conversations will not be had without conflict. Yet conflict will subside as mutual respect is restored in the midst of disagreement. With mutual respect you may find once again what you have in common to help you face the future together.
Humanity’s tendency to pick sides and hold one another at arm’s length comes from the ages-old training that your well-being is threatened by other humans and that they are not to be trusted. As we have said before, this is not your true nature. Cooperation, mutual support, and generosity is what comes naturally to a mature human and is recognized within as what benefits all.
Somewhere along the way many of you have become convinced that being right is more important than anything else, and that your very survival depends upon defending your “rightness”. It does not. Curiosity is hard to experience when you believe you are fighting for your life or that you are superior to another. Either or both sides of any issue can be convinced that the other side will be their destruction or that an apology is owed.
Few want to see that another force – other than Love – has influenced your concepts of humanity and who you personally think you are. Yet this force only has the power you give it; you are, in fact, the more powerful one. As each of you come into alignment with the deepest desire held by humanity, that all may benefit, the clearer such issues will be resolved.
Do you dare to love one another AND disagree? Can you give each other freedom AND respect clear boundaries and not trespass? These are our questions for you to ponder, Dear Ones. The extent to which you are able to do so, is the extent to which you will see – and make evident – the new world that is even now breaking in upon the old.
We are ever with you and hold you each in great respect and love.
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The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.
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