Bow to Your Heart

Double rainbow over a field | Photo by James Wheeler | Unsplash

Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash | Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Cheryl: Recently I entered the Akashic Records for the community of folks who read this blog with the following questions:

- What do people need to hear right now?

- What do those to whom I reach out need to know at this time?


Guides: Love. That is All That Is. This is not a new message, but one that bears repeating until all believe.

This is what the great hunger is about. A hunger for the Self … for Authenticity. What is Love if not Authenticity, as it is truly who you are. You are confused when you do not believe this of yourself or another. You feel lost, though you can never be. But in the fog of illusion you think it, feel it and reinforce it.

Turn to the Light that you are and understand. There is no more powerful thing in all the Universe than the Human Heart. Nothing. Trust this. Be willing to trust and know. To rise above the troubles that surround you, bow your head to your heart and know its Magnificence and Power.


Blessings of the New Moon to all, and a deep bow to my heart and yours ~

These monthly blog posts are included in my monthly newsletter ~ if you’d like to explore it, please be welcome to sign up here and know that I respect your privacy.

The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.


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Passing Lights