About an Akashic Records Reading / How to Prepare Your Questions

For your reading, you will want to be in a private space without distractions.

The session is usually an hour in length, though please allow an additional 15 minutes in case we need a bit of extra time.  It’s preferable if you give yourself a few minutes before the reading to bring yourself fully to the session, and a few moments after the reading to allow yourself integration time.

To enter your Records, I will need your full legal name as it would appear on a passport or other such document at the time of the reading.

In an Akashic Records reading, information flows on the vibration of the word – thought, written or spoken.  Coming to the reading with specific questions helps to organize the information, ensuring that you receive what is most helpful.  They also help prepare you for the session.

Focusing on a core question and allowing other questions to flow out of that is often most useful.  It is not essential to have finely-crafted questions!  Simple, clear, and focused questions that convey your inquiry are perfect.  I do not need to know your questions prior to meeting; you will ask them within your Records when we meet.

In regards to developing questions, I suggest that you consider what you are wanting from the reading.  In other words, you might ask yourself: What prompted me to ask for a reading?   

Another possible framework is to ask yourself, What questions can I ask that might:  move me forward / bring clarity / shift this pattern / free me up / reassure my heart, etc.

Come up with as many questions as you like.  Then, arrange the questions beginning with the most pressing, and ask that first.  Sometimes other questions will be answered within the context of the first without needing to be asked.  Much can be covered in the time allowed, and the information most important to you does tend to surface.

Especially helpful to consider as you choose questions are these 2 points:  

  1. What, Where, How and Why questions provide the clearest insights

  2. Yes / No questions are not so helpful (for many reasons).  

Because of the role of free will, an Akashic Records reading is not inherently predictive – but, we may tap into the potential for something to unfold.  

Questions about past lives can be helpful at times.  However, please note that past life information comes through only if it is useful in the situation you are trying to address.  In other words, it is unlikely to come forth if you are "just curious”.  The purpose of any information that comes from your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones is to help you move through your life in beneficial ways and support your soul’s growth.

Curious about something that’s not addressed by this summary or in the FAQs?  If so, please feel free to email me at cheryl@allsacredvessels.com.   


About an Akashic Records Reading with Energy Evolution / How to Prepare Your Questions