When Our Creations Hold Their True Vibration, All Are Served
Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash | CosmoCaixa, Barcelona
Cheryl: Akashic Guides, I feel this is a potent time for dreaming a New Earth into being. Yet I often get lost in my intellect about this, leading me only to fearful and limiting thoughts about what is most conspicuous right here and now on the earth.
Within my body – in my deepest knowing – I sense this new world of which we now dream has already been. Inwardly, I ‘remember’ being at this junction, facing the same or very similar circumstances to those we are now living. In my heart I know that we once did create this New Earth, and our present-day dreaming is a remembering of what is true and real.
Though a new earth could not endure in that timeline, my inner compass points confidently to a New Earth where we again fully embody our divine consciousness ~ even while all current appearances would say otherwise!
From your perspective, how might we best use the energies available to us at this powerful time?
Akashic Guides: Lean into the energies, Dear Ones, and be of good cheer.
You are the creators of all that you see – as you say, ‘for better or worse’. But you have not always been conscious in your creations, nor to your role in agreeing to more collective creations which have not served the Whole. As you are more conscious and deliberate, you will see the world differently.
It is a time of great self-examination and ‘cleaning house’
Direct your attention to what your heart most desires rather than being led by your assumptions, habits, fears, or comforts. It is a time of great self-examination and ‘cleaning house’.
Everything is on your plate for consideration:
✦ What are your values?
✦ What do you truly value?
✦ What is it that your High Heart is telling you is true and precious?
You would be well served by examining courageously, with an open heart and open mind.
… withdraw your investment from all that is not in alignment
As you discover what your true values are, embrace them and withdraw your investment from all that is not in alignment. Then, put your investment in the form of focus, time, energy, and money into what represents your true values.
Much that you have invested in previously is not in alignment with who you truly are. When you are clear who you truly are, much cleans up naturally. The current energies are with you to expedite this, supporting you to readjust your perception and investments moving forward.
In the light of such ruthless, loving seeing, all is purified, individually and collectively.
Much as the human artist, Michelangelo, removed all of the stone that was not David, thus it is with each of you. See yourself and each other clearly, and what emerges will be authentic, true, and vibrantly beautiful. In the light of such ruthless, loving seeing, all is purified, individually and collectively.
When your creations hold their true vibration, all are served. As you each move into your individual authentic power, you will be able to join together in original ways, which feel new to you.
… your perception that you have been here before and that it is all possible … is on the mark
And yes ~ your perception that you have been here before and that it is all possible … is on the mark. And, there is so much more that that is yet to be revealed.
Take the step that is before you with love and compassion for yourself and others. Do not try to rush ahead of where you are. Be gentle. There are many layers unfolding. Focus on your personal unfolding and you will know when and where to join with others.
We, and oh so many others, lend our support to your rising.
You are not alone. We, and oh so many others, lend our support to your rising. We leave you with much love and appreciation for your brilliant light.
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Do you feel inspired to experience the loving and compassionate presence within your Akashic Records? If so, I am delighted to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect ~