Discernment of the Heart

Stick figure holding heart graffiti | Photo by Nick Fewings | Unsplash

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash | Florence, Italy

Cheryl: As I opened the Records for the community of all who read this blog and monthly newsletter, I'm greeted with the impression of – an image of – a circus, of many things going on all at once. 

I'm seeking some message or direction, some words of encouragement and upliftment, for three groups of people:
(1) this particular community who have been drawn to the Akashic Records and who read the newsletter,
(2) the US citizenship and the citizenships of other countries who face an election season now, and
(3) the world citizenship experiencing Coronavirus.

Guides: First we must greet you with a warm heartfelt Invitation to be at peace. We know that this is difficult during these times of great tumult. Many of you do not know which end is up. Many live in great fear, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g themselves out into the future trying to imagine what could be so that they are prepared as best they can be.  You cannot prepare with yourselves stretched so thin.  Be present now.  You have what will best prepare you for the times you are in and the times that are coming:  It is within you.  

Here we are not saying to disregard the needs of the body for food, for shelter, for safety.  We understand that you need these things in order to do the greatest work that is before you.  But as we have said before, staying steady on your feet, being grounded and in your body, unafraid of your own human experience, trusting in the wisdom that you carry within you – this is what you need to prepare, to ready you for any circumstance.  

You can only know there is a greater story playing out here of which you are a part.

The changes continue to come more rapidly – have you noticed?  Much is unexpected that will unfold.  You cannot know the specifics in full.  You can only know that there is a greater story playing out here of which you are a part. This is why it is so important for you to listen to your own heart, to find your own guidance through this time.  Many of you do not trust your own wisdom, and yet this is the time when you would be best served to trust it.

Your reliance upon others to tell you how to think and what is best is rapidly crumbling.  We are not advocating anarchy here – cooperation, mutual support is important in order to maintain some semblance of your human society.  But ascertaining what the truth is, is an inside job. Truth (big T) as well as truth (little t) have their own specific vibration. It is clearly recognizable to you if you pay attention, but this discernment is not made in your head (a tool which is excellent at strategizing and planning and devising, and not so good at discerning). For discernment to be clear, one must be in their Heart.

For discernment to be clear, one must be in their Heart.

Yet you cannot be in your Heart and be in fear.  Fear is a much lower vibration and has a different purpose.  This is why it would serve you well to be in the present moment – for most of you, the present moment is not filled with danger. When it is filled with danger, a different exquisite mechanism is at play, one which needs little thought or anticipation.  Staying in this fearful state of readiness continually exhausts the body/mind/spirit and can initiate a plethora of dis-eases.  Rest in the knowledge that you are a great Resource. When you step away from fear, what is needed arises from within.

… be flexible, be curious, be clear about who you truly are.

Much is unfolding on your planet fueling change at a level unseen by any human alive today.  We encourage you to be flexible, be open, be curious, be clear about who you truly are. Your illusions about what you can or should control are rapidly falling away. Let them. If you can stand in the pure light that you are and be the love you wish to see in the world, you will find the peace that you seek. It is all an inside job. We are with you, always.    


I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I enjoy sharing it! I send one newsletter each month (inclusive of this blog) to people on my mailing list. I never sell or share my mailing list; you can be sure your contact info stays with me. Sign up here!

The loving presence of our Akashic Guides is ever-accessible. If you’re inspired to connect with the loving presence within your Akashic Records, I’m pleased to sit with you. Please contact me if you would like to connect.


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