The Times They Are A-Changin'

Person holding flashlight under starry sky | Yash Raut Sehi | Unsplash

Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash | Kaza, India

Oh The Times They Are A-Changin’
~ Fifty-five years later the lyrics from this Bob Dylan song are relevant as ever. Timeless, it seems.

Charting new waters

As foundations of our once-familiar realities shift, our lives are rocked and stretched. Flux reigns. Established institutions, entrenched mores, ingrained beliefs now flicker faster than a compromised neon sign!

When navigating these external changes, incongruities, and revelations, sometimes I find my confidence and trust stretched thin. In the world around me, so much is obfuscated I’m not at all sure what is truly taking place!

Finding resonance within, and without

And while I am neither an astronomer nor a scientist, I read with interest their findings regarding fluctuations in magnetic fields, solar flares, occultations, and shifts in the Schumann resonance (the ‘heartbeat’ of the Earth). As inhabitants of this vast universe, I sense that we humans both influence and are influenced by all with whom we co-exist. And so we are touched by these energetic changes as well.

Surely, inner stability is not to be found in the gyrations that surround us. When I rest my gaze entirely outside myself, I am distracted from my true power … that of knowing what is Truer than ephemeral truths.

When context is in a state of chaos, I feel more strongly than ever the need to consult wisdom beyond my personality, a wisdom deep within me ~ my connection with Source. In these tumultuous, curious times, may we all discover our own paths to a Truth that endures beyond bedlam.

As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin' .
- Bob Dylan


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